



刀剑神域 虚空幻界































内容简介:一个人砍翻乱世的人生之路。丧尸:吼。林凡:“大家都是邻居,为什么要如此暴躁呢。”林凡:“我还要去买菜呢。”林凡看着变成丧尸的小青:“小青,我买了几瓶水,已经扫码了哦。”林凡:“老板,我 想结一下工资。”阳光小区,林凡生活的小区,无数逃难者,蜂拥而至,寻求庇护。我们要跟林凡学习,遵守法律,打工赚钱,争取买房买车,在丧尸横行的城市里,做一位优秀的市民。1w94413-99025 >>


内容简介:   “你想做球王吗?” “想!” 苏东从此踏上了通往球王宝座的征途! ……………………………………………………………… 书友群:908223342,欢迎书友们入群,验证时请 填写书名,谢谢!1w0-1819 >>


内容简介:林虞,一个平平无奇的大学生,在游戏中被开红狗杀掉后,竟穿越进了同背景的仙侠大陆。早知道买个厉害的号了,这下怎么混?自己只是一个柔弱的刺客啊!谁成想,这个大陆中的人物关系是以她为中心构建 的。哟!那可不虚了,她是海王啊!我菜没关系,我的鱼儿厉害就行。可是hellip…看着打起来的众人,林虞只能喊出那句经典的话“你们不要再打了啦!”“就不能把对我的争抢,化作对我的关爱吗?”【展开】【收起】1w0-105327 >>


内容简介:预收《和离后嫁给前任他爹》求宠幸文案下拉暴君傅臻为人暴戾恣睢,杀人成魔,从西北疆场回来后更是日日吐血,眼看着就要死了。太医看到一本古书中说,要传说中的美人血投喂才可医治。阮阮就是被送入 宫的替死鬼。入宫那晚,傅臻幽幽醒转,发现身边蹲着个小姑娘,睁着幼鹿般的眼睛怯怯瞧他。他咳出两口血,脸色苍白,眸光似刀,“怕了?”小姑娘含着泪,主动将柔弱无骨的身子贴近他,软声道,“我……我不怕,你吃吧。”陪伴暴君日久,阮阮被他娇养得愈发大胆,提议道,“陛下,今天能不能换个地方吃?不要总是咬脖子。”傅臻眯起眼睛,语气不耐“再不过来,朕的病就要被你拖死了!”他这般说着,指尖却抚过红痕斑斑的雪颈,轻咬上她双唇。暴君宿疾痊愈之后,阮阮彻底换了侍奉他的方式,屡屡被他弄哭。那晚摇红烛火之下,他看着眼前满面红晕的小姑娘,眸底涌动着疯狂的占有欲。“朕许你一个心愿,珠宝金银,无上荣宠,朕都可以答应你。”小姑娘腰肢在他大手之下轻颤,红着脸憋了一句“那我可以要一座宅子,出宫去吗?”见男人脸色阴沉,她赶忙改口:“不要宅子……银两也行。”暴君良久没言声,半晌,扯出一个笑来:“你想都别想。”阮阮“……”好抠,亏他还是一国之君,说好的什么都答应呢?!谁料男人转头便示下“她说要当朕的皇后,你们都听到了?”底下人十脸震惊,面面相觑,“是,是!”阮阮???起初,小姑娘乖乖顺顺,什么都听他的。傅臻爱看她哭,就欺负她。他想着,就这么欺负一辈子也好。只是后来他发现,他竟看不得她哭了——那眼泪落于他胸口,便似滚烫的心头血,灼得他心尖发疼,教他不知所措。傅臻想,那便宠着吧。宠她一辈子,不再让她落一滴眼泪。【双c双洁】【封面已授权,画手微博容隐呀】预收《和离后嫁给前任他爹》求宠幸女f男c,男二非亲生明国公府幺女沈芙柔桡温顺,姝色无双,只可惜口不能言。一介哑女嫁给那位玉树临风的晋王世子谢斐为妻,人人都说是国公府赚了。谢斐也觉得,他配她,绰绰有余。成婚头一个月,谢斐还装得规规矩矩,可到了第二月就开始夜不归宿。谢斐出行,身后跟着一帮纨绔,“世子爷,不用陪你家那位小哑巴么?”谢斐豪爽地往游船上撒了一把金叶子,“要不怎么说她善解人意呢!”沈芙成婚三年,谢斐就在外面浪了三年。沈芙知道,他的确喜欢她,可他是个没有真心的人,他的喜欢,便同喜欢这世间花草无异。她不能言语,心中郁郁了整整三年。*后来,那镇守边关数年、晋王府真正的主人班师回朝,沈芙于厅堂俯身向公公敬茶。面前的男人容貌俊美,矜贵威严。沈芙暗自想,这份凛然如山的气势,恐怕世间男儿皆及不上其万一。而谢危楼接过茶的那一刻,无意间碰到她纤细莹腻的一双柔荑,喉咙微不可察地滚动了下 >>


内容简介:一、顾令颜自小就是内定的太子妃人选。人人都道太子徐晏美姿仪、通诗书、善骑射,她喜欢徐晏,对他掏心掏肺的好。然而得到的,永远都是徐晏的一张冷脸等她清醒时,方才明了俩人之间,自始至终只是她 的一厢情愿。也是在这时她才明白,原来所有人都知道太子不喜欢她只有她自己不知道。二、太子徐晏烦透了顾令颜一直缠着他直到那次顾令颜被他伤了心,终于不来了。徐晏却突然觉得哪里都不得劲。听说俩人决裂后顾令颜一直以泪洗面他想着女人嘛,总是要哄哄的。既然顾令颜放不下身段,那只能他这个做太子的先低一低头。等他提着礼物去寻顾令颜,想要服个软说两句好话。可却瞧见了顾令颜在筵席上谈笑风生,哪有半点传闻中憔悴模样?!091食用指南093男主前面欠揍且狗,但是火会烧的很旺很旺我的预收《皇帝的火葬场》,戳专栏可收藏文案新帝登极,以雷霆万钧之势拔除顽固世家。皇后赵懿懿的父母二族首当其冲。皇后自请幽居于椒房殿,顾祯无任何表示,一时之间,昔日夫妻形同陌路。顾祯一直以为时日很长,他又是帝王,天下尽在掌握,无需着急。可等他回首时才发现,一切,早就已经来不及了。看着面前祈求她原谅的皇帝赵懿懿微微勾唇,跪下求我啊。顾祯径直跪在她的贵妃榻前,没有丝毫犹豫。赵懿懿不屑的看着皇帝,轻蔑冷笑,男人嘛,就是这样下贱。她攫住顾祯的下巴,俯身道:我骗你的,你还真信了?顾祯眼眶发红,伸手想要拽住她的一片衣角,却被赵懿懿无情的拂开。他嗓音沙哑,懿懿,你父兄的职位我已恢复,我们还和从前一样,好不好?赵懿懿低头欣赏自己指尖蔻丹,漫不经心道:不好。立意要想获得原谅,就要坚持不懈1w0-76628 >>

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Doctor Who_ The Turing Test

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Phenomeno summary: “There are things that shouldn’t be seen.”
Often said my late grandmother, and that was quite true.
I was drawn to the occult from childhood, and upon entering university, I learned the truth of those words by stepping many times into the edges of the netherworld. Ghosts — beings which no one can decisively determine whether they exist or not. The story that begins here revolves around stories brought forth by them.
And this story, it can also be said to be the story of it and I.
As its eyes glimmer in front of strangeness, as it breathes out words with a bedazzled expression, it warped the world that I always believed in. It made me anxious of whether the ground I stood on would shake. I would want to look over my shoulder just by listening, and I grew to fear whether someone were peeking from the dark shadow of the door.
Maybe it was because the words it spoke included truths about the other side. It included truths that only applied to the scant, grotesque, waning, dead ones.
Now, after it has disappeared, do I finally know that.
As grandmother said, it was a world that I should not have seen. It was a story that was not for the living person.
However, I intend to speak of that.
I intend to speak about all of that.
Because if I don’t — it wouldn’t be able to rest in peace.
Because it, having lived on the edge of darkness, having struggled through the threshold of darkness, would not be able to live in peace.
Yes — I’ll say it once more.
From here on, is a story that shouldn’t be known.

Tantei High [Erityian Tribes, # 1]

Tantei High [Erityian Tribes, # 1] summary: Raine is a normal student in St. Petersburg Joseph Academy, but one day she was summoned to the Princ.i.p.al’s Office and was informed that she was expelled from the school. She also learned that she’ll be transferred to a strange school in the middle of the forest, so she did not feel secure. But because of this transfer, she would enter a world that is very different from what she is used to. A world where she can discover her true ident.i.ty and the world where she really belongs to.

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