






简介【尽量日更】 【微博@非影Q】大魔王艾拉威尔中了世界上最恶毒的法术后变成了少女,之后被卖到了海上夜总会……最终沦为兔女郎。然而故事才刚刚开始。








简介美女!听我说!你别过来!我现在到了发情期啦! 啥?你非要过来? 嘿嘿嘿,那就……








类别都市 恋爱 生活








简介明星有粉丝就有黑粉。作为资深粉丝,我秦朗的爱豆苏凡被抢了风头,对方还是娱乐圈有各种不良新闻的“腹黑小人”徐逸琨,这怎能忍!于是我化身徐逸琨的黑粉,黑他,给他拆台,誓不罢休!然而我却偶然“招安”到了徐逸琨的粉丝后援会,只得向爱豆苏凡求援。苏凡让我成为了男团选秀节目的造型设计师,有机会和他们,还有更多参赛的帅哥密切接触,每天生活在梦幻之中。不对啊,我是黑粉,你们都忘了吗?QQ群号:648798508 每周六更新!


内容简介:然后,我想你然后,我想你小说阅读其它类型小说然后,我想你由作家应橙创作每天上午十点更新,微博应橙橙下一本开《咬丝绒》,戳作者专栏求个收藏。1谈烟和江骋一直处于隐婚的状态,她认为两人更像 合约夫妻,一直都是她主动,江骋维持一贯的冷淡。后来好友圈爆出两人不合,原来一直是谈烟倒贴他。谈烟听后也不辩驳,眸色动人,笑道“是啊,不会看向他了”谁知身后的男人将她死死按在怀里,眼睛紧锁着她“你想看谁,嗯?”至此,公司的人天天看自家老板认命地跟在一个女人身后,拿出全部身家,成天玩命地哄,重新追人家。2京南风投神话江骋,不仅多金单身,皮相又好,五官分明,身材比例标准,是全市女人的心中幻想情人。结果在一次采访中,忽然被记者眼尖发现他锁骨处的草莓印。记者拿着笔的手都在抖“有……有女朋友了?”此消息一出,多少女人的心碎成一地,纷纷要找出这个女人是谁。江骋淡然否认“不是,是结婚了。”同时还大方地艾特了网友天天骂妖女,演技为零,背后到底是谁在帮她撤热搜的谈烟。“——老婆,我这个背后的人你还满意吗?”前期女追男,后期追妻火葬场冷艳骄衿女明星X隐忍占有欲强总裁破镜重圆婚恋——————————————————————《咬丝绒》预收文案梁亦北受朋友之托,答应照顾一个小姑娘三个月。覃甜时常惹祸,梁大少认命地跟在她后面收拾烂摊子,把她宠得无法无天。后来小姑娘跟他告白,梁亦北随便敷衍了句胸太小给拒绝了。再相逢,梁亦北隔着一阵距离,看着自己曾带大过的小姑娘,在同一个男人相谈甚欢。长大后的覃甜,明艳又风情,身材还勾人。梁亦北看她明晃晃的笑容气得胸闷,当着众人的面走过去,抽走她手里的酒杯,面无表情地说“作业做完了吗?”“谁让你早恋的?”“……”大哥,我早成年了好吗当初你嫌我胸小,现在是我嫌你年纪大了小兵提供然后,我想你最新章节然后,我想你最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-81836 >>


内容简介:穿书后参加选秀节目我火了简介:没穿书前的纪星泽:穷,面对天价违约金无能为力,被经纪人扼住喉咙……穿书后的纪星泽:有钱人家都小少爷,家里人花钱塞他进剧组追星,自由自在去参加选秀……纪星泽 :居然还有这等好事!纪星泽穿成一本小说里的炮灰,没有两三章戏份的那种。他幸福地转圈圈:没有经纪人逼着演戏,我的舞台,我来了!纪星泽穿成书里喜欢主角受的炮灰,没有三场戏份的那种。可惜纪星泽演技天赋没点满,打算好好演完这场戏就跑路,不在主线剧情里瞎掺和。他绕开剧情去参加选秀。在舞台上发光发热,c位出道。没想到,躲过1w0-67078 >>


内容简介:【对他来说,她就是一场突如而来的瘟疫——侵入肺腑,无法治愈。若爱无疾,该当如何?她曾经是他的命,后来是他的恨,最终成了他心尖上拔不去的刻骨衷情。】受过一次伤害的顾先生立志要斩掉温小姐的 翅膀,让她插翅都难再飞,可到头来,他还是被温小姐给降服了。顾先生:“……”他看着躺在怀抱里的女子,暗自磨牙,他只是又被她迷惑了而已!又名《你是我戒不掉的一场瘟疫》【我们都在为爱而冲破束缚,然后飞向彼此,纵然过程痛苦而漫长,可爱你的心坚定不移。】——又名《如果爱》亲爱的江先生走了,傲娇的顾渣渣来了,这是一篇关于重逢与爱的故事,希望宝贝们喜欢。~新书,求收藏,求各种抚爱~1w0-3858 >>


内容简介:武之巅峰,是孤独,是寂寞,是漫漫求索,是高处不胜寒逆境中成长,绝地里求生,不屈不饶,才能堪破武之极道。凌霄阁试炼弟子兼扫地小厮杨开偶获一本无字黑书,从此踏上漫漫武道。请关注我的公众号“ 莫默”。1w593-4615 >>


内容简介:一次离奇的祭祖,周平发现自己已身处民国十八年。那一年,黄四郎在鹅城兴风作浪那一年,九叔持木剑斗妖邪那一年,阿星还没有学会如来神掌茫茫乱世,该如何自处?且看一截朽木,一袭青衣,行走诸天, 铸造无上传奇。1w0-39669 >>


内容简介:摸金天师活人回避小说全文阅读作者风尘散人,该书描写了葛天中为寻找失踪父亲,阴差阳错地被卷入三方势力和两个世界的争斗漩涡中心,面对异星势力的入侵,葛天中在花月和青衣的帮助下,勇闯生死之地 ,成功阻止多伦打开传送之门1w4839-25620 >>

Kodomo No Asobi (Nishioka Kyoudai)

Collection of stories.

Boku Ga Utau To Kimi Wa Warau Kara

Consists of a collection of short stories. [From Shoujo Magic]: Story 1 - Because You Smile When I Sing The pop band vocalist, Atsushi, has always been thought of by others as a 'scary person' because of the facial expression he was born with and his disinclination to speak. For Atsushi, Anzu is the only one who ever smiled wholeheartedly upon meeting him, but now that they have met again in high school, Anzu has changed completely. Why doesn't she smile? What can a boy--a singer--with a frightful expression and no speech do to bring her beautiful smile back...? Story 2 - Ding Dong Happiness resounds, ding dong. Though the sound of it may be short-lived, the echo only dies if we allow it to. Chisato wonders if her father ever loved her. He died in a car accident, leaving Chisato behind with her stepmother. He never gave her anything--no gifts on holidays, and he didn't even have the decency to go on living for her. It might be the case that even Chisato's stepmother feels no love for her and will leave. But one question from Chisato's childhood friend, Takahiro, brings the past echoing back with more clarity than ever before. Story 3 - Voice of Mine Inagaki Shuu is a musical genius, the son of musical geniuses, and so the eyes that watch him as he plays the violin are not the eyes of attentive listeners, but the eyes of scrutinizing customers. People are cold to him and the technical perfection he picked up from his parents...except for Futaba, that strange girl who ran into the music room to hide while he was there and then escaped out the window. She's straight and honest in her actions--and in her music. You can hear her voice when she plays, a voice that's uniquely hers. Can she help a genius to find his own voice...? Story 4 - Double Flower Suguru is a little strange for an 18 year-old boy. As a hobby and by profession, he's a seamstress. His rude little grade schooler step-niece, Aya, has run away from home and is staying with him now, and she lets him know everything that's on her mind without hesitation. It hurts to hear from her why women don't look on him as a man, but it also helps him understand what he needs to do to win the woman he loves... Story 5 - Dark Princess A hilarious fairytale side story of 'Those Who Have Wings'. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Princess Shoka. She was so lovely that she was called 'Snow White,' but she was also called 'Storm Black' because she was a sadistic slave driver! King Hiruto, Queen Phia, and General Tooya knew they had to do something about her behavior, so they hired Hunter Yang to kill her!? But she escaped, with Hunter Yang as her hostage, and went on an adventurous journey to find a hot knight to be her ultimate love!


Contains 5 stories : 1-2) Faraway & Over the Rainbow- Tomoi is a skinny slacker with a rough home life who always dreams of leaving town. When tall and super-cool basketball star Kajita returns a lost item to Tomoi with a made up story, he draws Tomoi attention and the two slowly become close. 3) Thistle Field Line no. 18- Beautiful, gentle Sakurai sensei, Hoshi can't help but admire him. With a mutual love of records the two connect, but Hoshi knows that something dark haunts his sweet sensei- and it has something to do with that abandoned house... 4) Three-Piece Spirit 5) The Secret Path by the River Edge

Mahou Shoujo Oriko★Magica

From the big-hit original animation series, 'Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica', new spin-off comics will be published with whole new writing/story! Kyouko Sakura, who spends the day for noble battle, Mami Tomoe who protects Mitakiharashi city with the heart of justice, Homura Akemi, who silently reaches Madoka Kaname bit by bit. The battles of each mahou shoujo's battle that should never cross, is recreated as one story centering the incident of magical girl hunting. This is, the incident that changes the entire destiny of girls. This is, the start of new magical girl story...> Side Story of Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica(http://mangapark.com/search?q=mahou-shoujo-madoka%E2%98%85magica)

The Void Emperor

The Void Emperor summary: A power never seen before, a memory to retain and a bright mind as a follow-up;What follows when those three get combined with a bit of luck in the world of fantasy and martial arts?A boy with unusual and strong fate born under a nine colored sky, reincarnated from past life with his knowledge retained.Symbol of dual divine dragons - king of void and unique divine soul no other...

The Master of the Shell

The Master of the Shell summary: The Master of the Shell summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Master of the Shell. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Dimension Of Dreams

Dimension Of Dreams summary: Dimension Of Dreams summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dimension Of Dreams. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Serbia in Light and Darkness

Serbia in Light and Darkness summary: Serbia in Light and Darkness summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Serbia in Light and Darkness. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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