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类别搞笑 恋爱 古风 爆笑




简介“你是谁!?”一张开眼就看到一个不认识的少女! 而自己居然变成了一张纸片!?不!我上一秒还在家里开的庙宇帮人做法术啊!为什么现在就变成了纸片了!重点是,这个女生看起来也一脸蒙逼,等等!听我说话!不要拿书打我! “...你是谁?”为什么只是随手画画的纸片人会动?(拿起字典准备砸下去)






内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:神豪:开局返利一亿倍!】楚洋在海都准备回老家,去便利店买东西的时候开启了消费返现系统!不管他买什么东西,都能随机返利!开局一包十块白沙烟,直接返利一亿倍,获得 十亿元!一辆兰博基八百万元,随机返利十倍,获得八千万元!一瓶九一年的罗曼康帝,一百万元,返利一百倍,获得一亿元!南苑壹号院独栋别墅!什么?十个亿?我买不起?!买了,全都买了!随机返现二十倍!返现获得两百亿元!消费随机抽取返利,从此买买买!!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-72175 >>


内容简介:宁七不过收个衣服,转眼就被雷给劈了!意外回到八零年代,还重生成一个小傻子!岂能向命(ji)运(fei)低(gou)头(tiao)!小姐姐撸起袖头,要想富,先种树,福气来了挡不住!……跟 小姐姐走……还记否,到中流击水,浪遏飞舟?1w0-27371 >>




内容简介:五姑娘季重莲出身清贵之家,貌美端庄,兰心蕙质,可叹母亲早逝,父亲荒唐,姨娘阴狠,她唯有一个弟弟相依为命,一大家子的兄弟姐妹,难得有一个齐心的,素未谋面的未婚夫,还是与表妹藕断丝连的。深 宅里步步为营,多方算计,季重莲顿觉鸭梨山大!若干年后,季重莲顶着忠勇将军夫人的名头重归上京,一路披荆斩棘,扶摇直上,脚踏之处,步步莲华!只是这一次,她再不是孤军奋战,那个与她携手的男子终于如许诺的一般各位书友要是觉得《名门嫡秀:九重莲》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80105 >>


内容简介:白玖笔趣阁,白玖sodu,白玖小说,白玖顶点,白玖佚名,精选来自————虫星第一心理治疗师强强重生星际爽文【预收同系列《虫星第一司法审判官》】文案秦斯,编号008的失败实验体。他醒来的 第一天就被告知,拥有超强体力和变异能力,以及超高智商的他,是被制造出来的,整个虫星最完美的杀戮机器,然而因为基因链条的错乱,他注定无法理解正常虫的情感。上辈子因背叛而死去,再次醒来后却发现自己重生到了一个边陲小镇,还是个看上去柔柔弱弱手无缚鸡之力的沉默少年。然而……秦斯面无表情,徒手拧断第一百零八只杀手虫的脖子,拍了拍手:“不好意思,依旧很强。”不被杀,就只能先发制虫,步步为营。秦斯深谙此道。以身相许还了救命恩虫的恩情,他孤身一虫前往帝都,一边蛰伏一边顺手惩恶扬善,扫荡冤屈,谁知一不小心平步青云,一朝从第一通缉犯首位,坐上了首席司法审判席。秦斯:无情道真好,我爱无情道。等到大权独揽,坐拥江山,高处不胜寒的秦斯想起了前世最终将他推向绝境的宿敌,于是一挥手,想着怎么将他挫骨扬灰。但是……等等,这个被锁着的眼泪涟涟的美雌,怎么有点眼熟?[啊,发现同床共枕的恩虫是前世宿敌怎么办?在线等,不太急。]莫得感情超强虫形兵器冷酷审判官攻X大龄傻白甜流氓博士受本文文案古地球时期的金牌心理治疗师郁涉重生到了虫星,成了科研所培养出的一只身娇体弱的幼年雄虫,身边就是反社会型虫格大反派。为了净化反派,郁涉重操旧业,每天和统帅大人一起睡觉聊天讲故事,时不时的撒个娇,背地里替他铺路顺便考个医师证件步步高升。然而好巧不巧,二次分化后,他居然长出了一双翅膀?还因此成了全星际虫网公选的最美雄虫?郁涉:过誉,请问有什么办法可以把这玩意收回去吗?白玖严肃且害羞地瞄了一眼又一眼:“今天画完房树人,我想画阿涉的翅膀。”郁涉:“……”我拒绝。一次统帅在接受采访时无意中说漏了嘴,所有虫都沸腾了,【扒一扒那个统帅背后的雄主:那个让冷酷统帅每天乖乖巧巧画简笔画的虫,居然跟那只最美雄虫撞脸?他究竟是何方神圣?】【第一军校:郁涉我校特聘心理学博士,领域开拓第一虫。】【帝国皇室:郁涉遗失在外的十三皇子。】【兽族:郁涉用催眠打败我们的小克星?】【最高统帅:郁涉私属专虫,我的挚爱。】众虫:什么都没有,fine。日常嫉妒而已。我们一点也不酸。真的。柠檬本柠jpg沉稳小天使牌大佬攻X冷酷腹黑统帅受——我的灵魂穿越宇宙给你拥抱。——我对你的爱意在这具身体内生生不息。【食用指南】1互宠治愈系。2虫族设定以大流为准,偶见私设~3避雷:有蛋,正文大概完结在生子前,双C。4一般每晚九点更新,有事请假。1w0-79720 >>

Marchen Awakens Romance

Ginta Toramizu is a 14-year-old kid who doesn't have a lot going for him: he's near-sighted, doesn't do well in school, sucks at sports, and to top it off--he's short! But Ginta is a dreamer and has had the same dream 102 times, always in the same fantasy world, where he is a hero blessed with all the abilities he lacks in real life. Then one day a supernatural figure appears at Ginta's school and summons him to a mysterious and exciting new world! In this strange universe filled with magic and wonder, he is strong, tough, agile--and he can see without his glasses! Thus, Ginta begins a mystical quest in search of the magical items known as 'ÄRMS,' one of which may have the power to send him home. Joining him on this epic journey are his companion Jack and the valuable living, talking, mustachioed iron-ball weapon known as 'Babbo,' which everyone wants but, it seems, only Ginta can possess!

Boogie Woogie Waltz

A collection of short stories originally published between 1974 and 1976.

Yankee To Yandere No Karera Ni Wa Tomodachi Ga Inai

Yankee to Yandere no Karera ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Yankee to Yandere no Karera ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Princess Recipe

Satoru Takamiya's 'First Love Masterpiece' collection consists of five stories. [Taken from ShoujoMagic]: 1) Princess Recipe (Ohime-sama no Reshipi) - Makoto lives alone until two strange boys from the world of games appear before her! One is a knight, and the other is a wizard. And just like in the game, Makoto becomes the 'princess'! In order to save Princess Makoto from the wicked wizard, the cool knight Nanase begins living with her!? 2) Angel Falling (Tenshi Tsuiraku) - This is a secret: Heaven is a company, and angels are its employees! Hashiba is just a beginning angel in the death department, so she spends most of her time on earth. She's very excited when she receives her first assignment--until it turns out that the soul she's supposed to take to heaven is that of Toujou-kun, a human boy who's always been nice to her. She doesn't want him to die... Is this the beginning of an angel falling? 3) The Light of the Moon, the Shimmer of Love (Tsuki no Hikari, Koi no Kagayaki) - A tremendous force pulls moon fairy Kouya down to earth, but when she finds the boy responsible, he claims he did nothing to draw her to him and tells her to go home. But Kouya is literally stuck to Takimoto Sui and can't go home as long as he has a wish to see something and it remains not granted. What is the wish that lonely Sui is keeping locked inside, that was so powerful it reached as far as the moon? 4) A Program that Loves (Koi Suru Puroguramu) - Year 2487, Kirika is 16 years old, and it's high time she got married. Not exactly enamored with the idea, she runs away from her wealthy home, only to land herself in bigger trouble with a group of hoodlums! And the only one who can save her is...walking away!? Konoe is a mercenary with a sci-fi secret who'll only help Kirika for money! (So it's a good thing Kirika has some.) She purchases him for three days, but when Konoe goes above and beyond the call of duty, Kirika gets in the mood to...*cough*...install his hardware in her system! 5) A Love Fragrant with Kisses (Kisu de Kaoru Koi) - Hikari wants to know all there is to know about kissing, and she wants her teacher to teach her! She has a million different wishes, so it's a lucky thing that she stumbles upon a magic lamp! But what's wrong with the genie Izumi? He's so unenthusiastic, and kind of a jerk. He tricks her out of her wishes until she's down to just one. What will it be...?

Medical experts: Investigation of Insanity by Juries

Medical experts: Investigation of Insanity by Juries summary: Medical experts: Investigation of Insanity by Juries summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Medical experts: Investigation of Insanity by Juries. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Short History of French Literature

A Short History of French Literature summary: A Short History of French Literature summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Short History of French Literature. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Life of Tecumseh, and of His Brother the Prophet

Life of Tecumseh, and of His Brother the Prophet summary: Life of Tecumseh, and of His Brother the Prophet summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Life of Tecumseh, and of His Brother the Prophet. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Young Alcides: A Faded Photograph

My Young Alcides: A Faded Photograph summary: My Young Alcides: A Faded Photograph summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of My Young Alcides: A Faded Photograph. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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