






























简介飞轨动漫粉丝群:473857752 ,定期发福利呀~现代职场女性穿越之后,搅得古代将军府风生水起


内容简介:穿成书中下场悲惨的十八线女配,李棠只能小心翼翼苟着,尽量不去招惹女主。可很快她发现这本书不对劲那位比男主还厉害、本该英年早逝的大佬竟然活好好得。李棠惊!她穿得到底是不是原著?大佬各种罩 着她,有求必应1w0-80967 >>


内容简介:简介:贫困的许涵昌从镇上转学到省城高中的第一天,在男厕所里救了一个被围着收保护费的小可怜。总是以“被霸凌者”身份出现的卓闻从此走上了一条求许涵昌罩的不归路。卓闻喜欢为许涵昌解决掉百分之 九十九的事情,然后拿着剩下的百分之一去求他。今天也是被许哥宠爱的一天呢。攻在噎到之前,扮猪吃老虎吃得很快乐。有炮灰攻也有炮灰受,都被攻的白莲光环秒成渣。“无论是谁,只要靠近许哥那就是狐狸精。”“但我们要用爱感化他们。”—————————————————————————互宠,双方从头到尾只有彼此,双向箭头,本质沙雕,但不是纯甜文。主校园到社会,两人都要成长。有小的追妻火葬场和破镜重圆。HE。这世界上最硬的是男高中生的心。1w0-80519 >>


内容简介:【正文已完】【请支持正版,盗文狗来舞必骂】——鬼怪简历——姓名:简小玉职业:无限游戏的NPC演员梦想:成为最厉害的副本Boss然而,女鬼也不是那么好当的。“会唱歌吗?”“剧本要求跳舞。 ”“这个女鬼死前是个科学家,临死最后一天还在算题。”简小玉想了想,最后抖着帕金森的舞步瞎瘠薄画完了整道题并来了一段宛若依萍捂嘴的BBox。众玩家:“……这个副本真的好恐怖,字面意义上。”——————裴遇在找一个人。有人告诉他,通关无限逃生就能实现一个愿望。裴遇二话不说,提刀就上。后来……人找是找到了,可为什么如此沙雕?闷骚大佬x戏精NPC【阅读指南】1反无限流。沙雕文,完全不恐怖2类似于去鬼屋装鬼吓人的快乐,用魔法打败魔法3有男主,不买股4女主失忆沙雕没心没肺老色批,成长型,非满级大佬专栏完结无限流:《在求生游戏里疯狂摸鱼》《在逃生游戏里救死扶伤》《我在末世直播升级》(快穿)——————预收《种星星星际种田》十三岁那年,阿寻继承了一颗星球。黄沙废土之上,她是唯一一个居民。十六岁那年,阿寻捡到了一个失忆的男人。故事从此开始。科学开荒、改良作物、驯养凶兽、净化土壤、发展经济、拯救被污染的星球。星河璀璨,沧海桑田。与你并肩。—无系统,无外挂。知识就是力量,探索永无止尽。男女主科学开荒,真种星星。1w0-45098 >>


内容简介:一场空难,她成了孤儿,他也是,但却是她父亲导致的。八岁的她被大十岁的他带回穆家,本以为那是他的善意,没想到,他是来讨债的。十年间,她一直以为他恨她,他的温柔可以给世间万物,唯独不会给她 ……他不允许她叫他哥,她只能叫他名字,穆霆琛,穆霆琛,一遍遍,根深蒂固……1w0-2800 >>




内容简介:“糟糕,我成替身了!”关左一睁开眼,发现换了人间,被掳来成了江湖上魔道巨擎后代的替身,危机四伏之下还要代替正主北上出关,俨然被当成了替死鬼。幸得脑中出现一件奇物,只要做出选择,便有数不 尽的神功绝艺、奇珍异宝。天魔大法,忘情天书,大金刚神力,浑天宝鉴,天妖屠神法,吞天灭地七大限,北冥重生法……大还丹,血菩提,无极仙丹,水火龙珠,玉玲珑,凤血龙元……数年之后。”大胆贼子,竟敢在江湖中冒充我们少门主1w0-29822 >>

Green Blood

From MangaHelpers: The end of the civil war signaled the start of the industrial revolution in the United States and immigrants from all over the world traveled to find their American dream. But what awaited the majority of them was poverty, discrimination, and hopelessness. Manhattan, New York was full of immigrants flooding through the ports and the 6th district, Five Points, was considered at the time, the world’s worst slum. The mobsters corrupted the entire area, including the police by paying them off; Five Points was the mob’s territory and they were the law. But even Five Points, where there seemed to be nothing but robbery, prostitution, and murder, showed some signs of hope. Luke Burns was an honest and righteous teenager who realized that the mob was the cause of their harsh lifestyle and that joining the mobsters would not bring him the American dream. But his older brother, Brad Burns, had become an assassin for the biggest mob group of Five Points, the Grave Diggers, a secret he kept from Luke for his own protection. Brad was known as the Grim Reaper and his reputation preceded him as a ruthless and skilled killer. [vyc]

Stand By Me

Stand by Me summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Stand by Me. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Densetsu No Kateikyoushi

Naoya Koga should live alone because his parents transfers by the order of father's company before entrance examination. He already give up his pass directly on graduation but his parents hire very excellent & pass directly on graduation private teacher, Haruki Machida for their son. Haruki assures Naoya's direct pass of S univ because he has succeeded for 9 previous students and Naoya is the last one for his prize. They work hard but are flung down a challenge by Haruki's rival teacher who will make his student enter W univ. If Naoya fails to enter W univ, the rival can take Haruki! Naoya despairs but soon recovers because Haruki promises something if Naoya can pass W univ. Naoya studies hard but suffers from too strong sexual desire for Haruki. Then another rival appears. He was an ex-student of Haruki and says Naoya is too fool for Haruki. Naoya tries to fire Haruki but can not give up Haruki. Naoya asks Haruki to come back again. Naoya wonders 'What is Haruki's *something?' and he can confirm it is 'making love with Haruki'. Naoya nearly rapes Haruki but can control his urge desperately. After passing W univ, Naoya knows Haruki can go to america by his prize. Naoya wonders he lets Haruki go to abroad or not... (from Slash-kun)

Main Dish

From Beyond the Sky: The affectionate top student Hamada, and the simple, but cool Osamu are both deeply attracted to each other. Hamada, being the affectionate one, is easily attracted to other people, regardless of their sex. However, in the end, he will always return to Osamu's side. Sometimes, Hamada feels like he is being manipulated, but he also feels that Osamu loves him. This is their ironic love story.

Former Village Girl And The Flag Crusher Prince

Former Village Girl And The Flag Crusher Prince summary: Former Village Girl And The Flag Crusher Prince summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Former Village Girl And The Flag Crusher Prince. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Dorothy Dale at Glenwood School

Dorothy Dale at Glenwood School summary: Dorothy Dale at Glenwood School summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dorothy Dale at Glenwood School. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Harriet Martineau

Harriet Martineau summary: Harriet Martineau summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Harriet Martineau. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

On the Trail of the Space Pirates

On the Trail of the Space Pirates summary: On the Trail of the Space Pirates summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of On the Trail of the Space Pirates. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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