



那丫头是个家伙 正式版





类别恋爱 校园 萌系
























内容简介:穿越到了未来的末世。生态破坏,一千座要塞拔地而起,作为人类最后能生存的家园。结果信峰开局就被人扔到了外界。辐射,毒气,身体只是一个普通人的信峰完全没有办法在环境中生存。还好签到选择的外 挂还是在他快死的时候来了。二选一,一个改善体质让你可以活下去的药剂。还是一个超级厉害的充电宝。这还用选?结果脚下一伴。抓向药剂的手一不小心抓歪了。卧槽,选错了怎么办啊!?没关系,就在这个末世中,在所有人梦想身体进化适应环境的时代,掀起一场机甲狂潮吧!1w0-27201 >>


内容简介:18章已更,如果有看不到可以清缓存或者从17章往后点,预收《他不解风情》,求收藏呀于知蕴八岁那年,隔壁搬来了一个小男孩。小男孩长得瓷白又精致,可来的第一天就在她门口哭红了眼。她极不情愿 地将人先带回了自己家,把人哄住。后来,她便经常能在放学回家时,看到孤零零坐在楼道里的小男孩,有些可怜。她于心不忍,总会送他一颗糖,偶尔心情好,还会带他回家。直到十五岁,因为一场意外,她搬去了别的城市。从此,再没见过那个“可怜”的小男孩。毕业后,于知蕴进了一家杂志社,为金钱所迫被老板坑去参加了一档综艺。开录那天,她早早到场,看着突然出现的熟悉面孔,笑容顿时僵住。正准备尴尬走开,某人已经走到她面前:“又不认识我了?”于知蕴强装镇定:“认认识,封老师,您好。”“老师?”对方低喃了声,俯身凑近,轻声纠正道,“姐姐,你以前可不是这么叫我的。”入坑指南:1、音乐鬼才x美女娱记,女主是作为素人参加的综艺,后期也不入圈2、人物均无原型,年龄差三岁年少暗恋久别重逢本文又名《撞见了长大后小奶团子,超A》《他欠了我一笔医药费,还不记得我了》《其实我也不记得他》《好吧,我装的,所以什么时候还钱》《所以扯了这么久你不看看吗》———————————————————————★预收《他不解风情》文案★萧栗入圈三年,演技毁容,脾气骄纵,路人缘极差。但一路走来却资源不断,话题度居高不下。众人纷纷猜测这个花瓶的背后到底是谁?傅司珩,一流名校毕业,臣域集团掌权人,因年轻多金皮囊好,气质矜贵又温柔,暗地里是圈内不少女星心中最想嫁人士排行榜第一名。但只有萧栗知道,这个老男人私底下有多抠门毒舌,且不要脸。一次商宴结束。两人从不同方向退场,坐进一辆车。萧栗挤出一个自认为美到炸裂的笑:“阿珩哥哥,郑导那部戏的女一号,我想试试。”傅司珩温声拒绝:“不行。”萧栗心里怒骂老男人,脸上依旧强撑笑容:“为,什么?”老男人若有所思了几秒,认真道:“那部戏是臣域投资的,你去演,恐怕会影响后期效益。”萧栗笑容彻底垮掉:狗男人!这是在讽刺她演技差?!【明艳骄纵小作精×心机深沉老男人】她终究会长大,可我无耻地想陪她一生如果您喜欢你多宠着我,别忘记分享给朋友作者:零砚所写的《你多宠着我》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-82086 >>


内容简介:一场旅游出行计划,一场意外的车祸,让他重生于一个平行世界,成为了年刚三十的老师身上。他上有老父母,下有萌儿女,却要面对职场苟且,老婆离婚,房贷等重重压力,重生一世,如此开局,会有怎样的 精彩?男人并非天生坚强,可即便在软弱的男人,也会在泪水之后,挺起胸膛,撑起一个家。……这是一个带着六份记忆重生平行世界活出八人宽度的故事!【本故事发生在平行世界,如有雷同纯属托梦般巧合!】1w0-79683 >>


内容简介:费雷泽,蛮夷之地。天使彦对着刚砌好的碑墓噙着泪水。忽然,一双血手伸了出来……叮,检测到剑魔阿托克斯杀意,宿主做出以下选择可获得相应奖励!【1、拿起手中大剑与剑魔阿托正面硬钢,获得第四代 神体!】【2、全力掩护天使彦撤离费雷泽战场,反虚空能力增强十倍!】【3、对恶魔俯首称臣,收获一只美丽的女天使,可啪!】看到系统精灵给本书关键词:其他类型爽文同人综漫《超神学院:我被天使彦挖出来了》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、刺青、神之禁忌目录、领主时代:百倍增幅、抗战:从奉天开始崛起!、夫君是我一手带大的、秋以为期、离婚后的我开始转运了、那个被我活埋的人、前方动漫有高能、三国:开局收服太后、跨物种相亲、居山海、武侠:开局算计师娘、艾泽拉斯女神、黎明之后、玄幻:我!天命大反派、绯闻太多是我的错吗、私密保姆、僵尸世界:神级选择、草茉莉、大唐:开局炸了太极殿、神奇宝贝之特性系统、明知故犯、我、我是你的、奸臣、都市:开局一艘十万吨核动力航母、星际之亡灵帝国、一枝、被病娇盯上的日子穿书1w0-78405 >>


内容简介:  不幸意外身亡的北秀之魂穿到了一位日本高中生身上,被迫开始了在日本的留学之旅,于是他经过仔细思考,决定为这次的人生搏个高起点。玩?不玩,学习!恋爱?不恋爱,学习!目标上名校,谁也别拦 着!——————————群号:【629977672】,欢迎各位加入讨论。1w0-344 >>


内容简介:一场错乱的飞升,叶凡重生百年之前。全能的妖孽,层出不穷的武技,无所不知的博学,预知未来的能力。吾即重生,当作执掌天地之人,但有不从者,杀!但有不服者,斩!一言定乱世,一剑斩九霄,驭神兽 ,铸神兵,破虚空,成帝主,翻手为云覆手为雨,且看叶凡逆天而起,君临万界!天帝叶凡是作者何谓仙凡写的一本非常热门的玄幻奇幻类型作品,讲诉了天帝叶凡一段生动的故事。各位书友要是觉得《天帝叶凡》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w1335-82750 >>

Bara No Kusari

Summary by Midnight Scans: When I was only 8 years old, I was attracted to Hagane, who was accepted into our house as the son of a servant. But is duty the only reason why Hagane listens to what I say...? I can’t understand how you feel because invisible chains bind you...

Too Many Reasons I Am Unpopular

Hina is very popluar with the guys, but all they see her as is a girl friend (A girl who is only a friend). She has no luck with guys because of this, so she gets it tough everytime she is told she is only thought of as 'one of the guys'. Satou claims she is very unpopular and Hina asks why. He doesn't say, but she tries to make him tell her. Usually, Hina has always been the bridge for others to cross (Which means in cases of love), but maybe this time, she might be the one who gets to cross the bridge for the first time?!

Tsumi Bukaku Aishiteyo

- Love Me Sinfully (Beginning) At the airport, Yuu Ono bumps into a man in a dark suit. The man then takes Yuu to meet his employer—Prince Carlo of the small country of Qurdis. It seems the Prince and Yuu share the same face… and the dark-suited man named Brad is none other than the Prince’s bodyguard! Prince Carlo has a request for Yuu, and that is to become his decoy. Fearing for his own safety, Yuu refuses the request. However, when Brad proclaims, 'I'll protect you even at the cost of my life…”—why can't Yuu control the wild beating of his heart?! - Love Me Sinfully (Conclusion) - A Soul Influences Love A member of parliament and a priest fall in love. - In The Dark Of The Night 28 years old and jobless because of the recession, Misaki returns to his hometown and happens to meet an acquaintance from middle school. - Before Dawn A short story about a chauffeur and his young boss. - Love Me Sinfully (Epilogue)

Aoi Kizu To Doku No Ringo To

Aoi Kizu to Doku no Ringo to summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Aoi Kizu to Doku no Ringo to. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In Disguise

The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In Disguise summary: At long last, Fu Zhi, the mysterious heiress who had developed countless technologies was given two guardians by the country! Initially, the Lu Brothers shut her out when she joined the Lu Family. However, after spending some time with her, they began to warm up to her and took turns showing their brotherly love for her by throwing money at her.
Lu Yumo would say, “My sister just came from the countryside, so don’t scare her.”
Lu Yushen would say, “My sister is fragile, so don’t bully her.”
Lu Yubai would say, “My sister is not good at studying, so don’t laugh at her.”
Nevertheless, it soon became clear to them that the little girl from the countryside was not what they had imagined.
One day, a reporter took a photo of a professor carrying her purse and having a meal with her.
The professor said, “She is my teacher, and I’m her student.”
The crowd was surprised. “What?”
Another day, a different reporter snapped a photo of a business magnate serving her tea.
The business magnate said, “She is my boss, and I’m her employee.”
The crowd was shocked. “What?”
On a different day, a group of reporters spotted the biggest esports bigwig stepping down from his throne and helping her get rid of a sc.u.mbag.
The bigwig said, “Stop all this hara.s.sment and the rumors. She’s my sponsor.”
The netizens asked, “Just how many supporters do you have?
The country’s official portal responded, “We’re her strongest supporter.”

Night School

Night School summary: Night School summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Night School. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I’m Hui Tai Lang

I’m Hui Tai Lang summary: Transmigrated to another world, bringing with him “Hui Tai Lang System” and becoming a wolf, since then he has been living wolves’ pack life&h.e.l.lip; Even though there are countless unclothed female wolves enticing him in every possible ways, he still remains unmoved, in “Wolf’s World” Decline the Willow’s enticement!
He has howled for long periods to the moon uncountable times, his heart yelling: “I have a dream, I dream that one day, this community will stand up, to really realize their creed’s true meaning: “We believe truth is self-evident, creatures live equally; I dream that one day, my children will not be judged by their race, but by whether their characters are good or bad to a.s.sess their life in the nation.”
TL Note: “Willow” symbolizes women in China, so in this case, this idiom is saying: No matter how much you entice me, I cannot be moved. Wolf’s World – Being eaten until not even the bones are left, saying they are dangerous.

A Cousin's Conspiracy

A Cousin's Conspiracy summary: A Cousin's Conspiracy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Cousin's Conspiracy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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