










简介只要优子也战斗漫画 ,两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书。 被卷入战斗也无动于衷的女子高中生新王州优子的战斗,开幕!


简介一对婚前男女的生活故事,有趣,有理,幽默,光明。一点小坏,一点温情;一点保守,一点前卫;一点小资,一点草根;一点孩子气,一点大人腔……虽酸甜苦辣咸五味俱全,但整体上搭配得口味清淡宜口,且还有些营养。转载请到苦笑的QQ空间http://79043708.qzone.qq.com/出版约稿采访等请联系邮箱[email protected]




















内容简介:神秘病毒突然爆发,道德,法律,权贵被迫重启。科技开始倒退,杀戮蔓延各地。当前方是深渊,后方是地狱时,苏辰该如何抉择。(群号377577322,一起快乐玩耍呀。)各位书友要是觉得《血夜国 度》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-29341 >>


内容简介:一觉醒来,方修发现自己穿越成了大乾帝国的丞相,并觉醒情绪系统。绑定女帝,引发情绪波动,就能获得奖励。于是。方修:“先帝遗诏,陛下应当称臣为相父。”女帝:“”【情绪值1000】1w0-9 9074 >>


内容简介:la——————————————————————————在现代,一对小夫妻,上班超过12个小时,睡觉不超过5个小时,存款不过4位数,吃饭总离不开快餐盘,想起结婚就害怕,想起买房就心慌, 想起生孩子就想跳楼。在大唐,一对小夫妻,做点小生意,赚点小银子,偶尔还当个小干部,家里还能请个小保姆,房子朝廷有的分,孩子想生多少都没事,不交保险不交税,生活乐逍遥。——————————————一部唐朝的种田升级文;一部积极乐观的宝宝养成计划;一部健康向上的家庭拉风生活篇。这里没有成王、成霸;这里没有种马、阴谋;这里更没有政治、篡党;这里仅仅只有幸福、温馨和无比护短的小两口子。强推期间一日二到三更,每更以后皆是如此,欢迎阅读,希望给您在炎热的夏日带来一丝清凉,阅读前冰啤酒、冰可乐都准备好,嘻嘻1w0-82357 >>


内容简介:他是兵中之王,因为一次任务偶获神秘传承,归隐山村之后,带着美女村支书一起发家致富。兵王会法术,谁也挡不住,妩媚女总裁请他看病,傲娇女明星为他代言……一代兵王的幸福生活就此开始了!1w2 1103-25259 >>


内容简介:【2019最好看精灵游戏文】一年后,《精灵世纪》将会与现实融合,实现数据化,人类历史从此翻篇,迈进精灵与人类共生的崭新时代。“可是…说好的一年后呢?”洛白看着眼前正对着他龇牙咧嘴的绿毛 虫,属实有点懵。他貌似,提前一年登录了…一年后…当人们蜂拥加入《精灵世纪》,摩拳擦掌,准备大干一番的时候,洛白朝裂空座抛出的大师球刚好停止了晃动。“叮!世界公告,恭喜华夏区玩家洛白收服神兽裂空座!”瞬间,世界安静了…标签:宠物小精灵,神奇宝贝,精灵宝可梦,口袋妖怪。书友群:9832678301w0-83969 >>


内容简介:突如其来的翻天变故,覆灭一切的残酷现实。再次归来的冷白想要的到底是什么?豪门婚姻?她亲手把所谓丈夫送入监狱。权力金钱?她暗中资助很多慈善事业。硬汉美男?她万花丛中笑,风过不留痕。年纪轻 轻就开始为自己谋出路,隐姓埋名,如此有心计的女人哪个男人会要?冷白:要男人干什么?不过是摆着浪费地方的花瓶,垫脚石而已。(某楚打了个喷嚏:?垫脚石?)她不记得那个唯一让自己悸动过的人,却记得他年少的梦想。他记得那个留在心口十年的女孩的摸样,却不知道她的名字。再次见面,她变成了别人的妻子,两人是商业上面的竞争对手,他们又该如何走近彼此?某楚最后悔的事情,“大概就是那次你被追杀,第一时间下车给你温暖外套的不是我。”某楚最无语的事情,“楚夫人,如果我没记错的话,你第一次见我是透过隔间缝,第二次是透过车窗缝……”年少无畏,谁不是一路磨练而来?潮起潮落,谁不是渴望一处安稳?只愿,我们都能不忘初心,携手共进!【双强,双洁,宠文,甜文】【某城简介渣,各位看官移步正文,坑品保证。】1w0-96551 >>

Smash Bomber

Binta Yugawara is a 'Bodz' or Bomber Kid, in the city of Atamu, who dreams of defeating his hero, Smash Kintaro. While in the city, he battles using a pog like game system, against several other Bodz, including Banji Chihara, BJ, and a man by the code name, 'X.' Hiroyuki Takei (of Shaman King fame), is the supervisor for this series. All artwork is officially drawn by Kato Gaito, who later helped assist Takei with 'Jyuki Ningen Jumbor.' The series was canceled after 3 chapters and never met the intended 197 pages announced in the first chapter. Neither Shueisha nor Takei have ever officially mentioned this series since it was canceled.

Lovers, Souls

Summary refers to the Ohzora Shuppan re-print, 2007: 1. Lovers and Souls Shinomiya is a beautiful college art student who lacks the morals common to most people. After agreeing to be a nude model for Matsuoka, a photography student, he also agrees to sleep with him for money even though he is straight. However, what started as a small taste of the forbidden soon spirals out of control when Shinomiya begins selling his body to other guys as a prostitute in a male brothel. Can Matsuoka save Shinomiya from himself? 2. Vanity After the events of Lovers and Souls, Tooru is still deeply heartbroken. Trying to find solace in Hikaru, Tooru challenges the terms of their friendship. But can he handle the consequences? 3. Sleeping Beauty Matsuoka sees Tooru for the first time. 4. A Moon in Name Only In their last year of high school, Akihiko Nozaki admits to his best friend Kai that he's gay. Kai is stunned but it doesn't change their friendship, but Kai's curiosity is aroused and he begins to see Nozaki differently. 5. The Name of that Sky Sequel to 'A Moon in Name Only', told more from Nozaki's point of view. Nozaki isn't sure whether to trust that his relationship with Kai will last, since he's even been dumped by gay men before. What's to keep a guy who wasn't even gay from breaking up with him?

Ben-To Zero: Road To Witch

A spin-off based on Asaura's original Light Novel series, that focuses on Yarizui Sen's story. Sen is a first year student in Karasuda Private High-school. In this high-school, in-dorm students aren't provided any lunch or dinner supposedly to make them take care of themselves better. As a result, a group of students and random youngsters with poor allowances decided to fight with each other in various supermarkets in order to get half-priced ben-to ; and the most renowned of these fighters are known as 'Wolves'. One night, Sen entered one of these supermarkets and unwillingly got dragged into a fight with them until she is saved by a very famous one : the 'Wizard' Kaneshiro Yu. The later proposed her to enter in the world of the ben-to fighting and this where her formidable adventure begins.

Toiki Yori Mo Yasashii

Two years ago Masato fell in love with the gentle-handed Kazaoka (they spent a night together without telling each other their names). He searched for that man and found out that he's a writer and that he goes to a nearby café. Masato starts working there part-time, and Kazaoka starts coming to the café more regularly, but he does not seem to recognize Masato. Also contains a side-story/one-shot [CH 5]

A Hopeless Romantic

A Hopeless Romantic summary: A Hopeless Romantic summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Hopeless Romantic. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World summary: Bringing the Farm to Live in Another World is composed of a series of chapters where a man awakens in an unfamiliar place. He quickly notices that his life is not as it should be, and his main mission is to change the behavior and try to rebuild broken things. However, his body does not function normally, so he encounters different problems on his way. That can be truly challenging but very rewarding at the same time because he has a chance to fulfill life while discovering the real purpose of existence. At first, the man starts re-developing his family, and he also personally grows together with that effort. That’s a very good chance for the entire place where he found himself at the beginning of the book. The family has better chances to make something valuable and significant on the land, while the single man is quite limited in different aspects of life. His mission slowly becomes an epic journey and a very interesting story. The new place, however, seems strange to him so he struggles a lot to adapt to the new environment.
To overcome various problems with his body, he is taking different types of drugs on a regular basis. The drugs provide some benefits because he can operate with his body better while on the treatment. However, such medication also has negative sides, so the situation is not ideal at all. The man still has one supernatural power despite all the problems he faces in the new places.
He is capable to enter another world, which is, in fact, a farming simulation game. It does not seem useful at first. However, he can find normal food in that strange world. And it can be used elsewhere, even in the regular world. That still does not seem like a big deal, but he is stuck in an unfamiliar place, and the food is of precious value to him. He can survive without problems thanks to that supernatural ability because he always has enough food to eat well. That’s why this cheat is so valuable to him. He also finds out about other happenings in strange places.

There are other inhabitants near him, and their communities are full of different intrigues, businesses, fights, farming and other events. The man has the possibility to slowly discovers the new places, but various problems are inevitable in his case. He will also have a chance to get involved in those happenings of other inhabitants, and you can find out many other details if you decide to read this novel. Like many other online books on this website, Bringing the Farm to Live in Another World is constantly growing and the updates arrive almost on a daily basis. So there is always something new even for the most faithful readers. So if you are a fan of such mixed genres, you should not miss the opportunity to read this great book.

The Story of Crisco

The Story of Crisco summary: The Story of Crisco summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Story of Crisco. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Divine Right of Church Government

The Divine Right of Church Government summary: The Divine Right of Church Government summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Divine Right of Church Government. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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