









Another me









现代人苏意穿越到了异界,成为大苍国的女帝。 还不等他对自己赫然成了女儿身而烦恼,太后就骑脸而至。 想不到自己不但穿越成了女儿身,还是个傀儡皇帝,事事要看摄政太后脸色。 还好系统加身让他有了翻身的资本。








简介【每周四更新】第一次遇见顾北辰,他眼泪的冰冷狠戾以及身上的热度让我终身难忘。 第二次遇见顾北辰,他低低浅笑,天之骄子般的成就令我心生敬佩。 第三次遇见顾北辰,他静默而立,犹如停尸房外的一道炫目阳光,驱散我心中所有的恐惧……






内容简介:炎黄大陆,有一个神秘又奇怪的宗门。这个宗门很小,可它的规矩,却奇葩得令人发指。连神品资质的天之骄子前来拜师,都会被拒之门外。某天。那位极具逼格的宗主,突然对外宣布:“缺个打杂的,有谁愿 意来?”“我我我!”为了这个打杂的名额,一群超级强者争得面红耳赤。…………这是一个温馨欢乐,又有点逗比的宗门养成故事。郑重提示:本故事纯属虚构,如有雷同,算我抄你各位书友要是觉得《最强无敌宗门》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27253 >>


内容简介:  杨峰穿越了,他来到了大明,但他一点都不高兴,因为他快饿死了。  想尽办法回到现代社会的他曾经立志再也不会到那个见鬼的年代了,但他很快就食言了,为了生活他只能一次又一次的在两个时空里 穿梭。  在大明他认识了很多有意思的人,做了很多有意思的事,而且他甚至还交了很多有意思的朋友,当了很大的官。  这就是杨峰在大明的生活。  群号:2-4-0-4-5-4-1-8-81w0-931 >>


内容简介:穿越时空联邦元帅的女友A笔趣阁,穿越时空联邦元帅的女友Asodu,穿越时空联邦元帅的女友A小说,穿越时空联邦元帅的女友A顶点,穿越时空联邦元帅的女友A俞枝枝,精选来自————联邦元帅的 女友A情有独钟穿越时空星际软萌女A×霸道男O俞枝枝没有想到,自己不过是普普通通睡了一觉,醒来竟然就换了时代。她成为了人们口中基因珍贵的初代Alpha,联邦的希望,被群奇怪的人小心保护起来。然而还没等她消化自己来到了ABO世界的事实,她的房门被人推开,一名冷峻高大从头到脚都透着霸总气息的男人走了进来。燕挽舟冷漠脸:你有半年的时间,让我怀上你的孩子。俞枝枝:?等等他是不是说反了?她要怎么让男人怀孕?她根本没有那种东西!不对……为什么她还真的有?!身为联邦元帅,就因为匹配度高,燕挽舟被高层勒令离开战场,替初代Alpha生育后代。初代Alpha娇弱软萌没有半点身为A的自觉,元帅心情不愉快,不想与之纠缠,只想速战速决,生完孩子各奔东西。后来,婚礼结束,俞枝枝悄悄摸了下燕挽舟的手。因孕激素敏感无比的男人登时软了腰,眼尾斜斜两道飞红,咬牙切齿地说:“你干什么?”少女眼睛更红:“我、我想摸一摸你。”燕挽舟硬起心肠没有伸出手,结果当晚就被顶级Alpha信息素勾得浑身发烫,拉着她的衣摆,哑着嗓子:“摸一下我,吱吱。”1w0-95046 >>


内容简介:【在线等,挺急的!】跟关系暧昧的女神学姐,入住超豪华酒店,进门后,学姐穿【爆闪高跟鞋丝滑旗袍露S型傲人曲线】这时惊现一道选择题:A直接表白。完成奖励:力量值10。B帮她拍,拍出高级感。 完成奖励:好感值10。s她姿势摆的不够,跳个害羞舞。完成奖励:直男值1。D直接无视,我来酒店是想好好休息的,对学姐可没什么兴趣。完成奖励:自制力10。当然选C啊,跳个害羞舞更有情调,还能欣赏女神迷人身材。总之,这恋爱谈的不科学!本书又名《这学姐也太撩了!》、《跟女神的超撩恋爱生活》人设:高冷闷骚夹子音女神x霸道坏痞反制型男主。被评开局非常上头,美人细节描述高手,情感真挚,欢迎观看。1w0-95689 >>


内容简介:  末世即将到来,江流石意外得到了一个可以让交通工具改装升级的黑科技。扫描一下,立刻就可以进行改装。什么,你以为我这是中巴车?其实我这是可以在怪物丧尸中横冲直撞,还能变形的超级基地车。 不但防弹防丧尸,里面还有卧室、厨房、淋浴间,还能发电。末世是苦难,但江流石却过得逍遥自在,任凭外面僵尸如潮,江流石有大餐吃,有软床睡,任凭你生无可恋的校花美女,上来住几天也会对生命充满希望。1w0-2681 >>


内容简介:当古老的钟声敲响,当尘封的记忆蔓延,当一切的一切顺延轨迹重演,她还是神明眼中的恶魔,世俗眼中的不容。“如果说斩去翅膀变为人类,已经是赎了前世的罪,那今世的我有什么错呢?”“世俗是世俗, 我是我,我是恶魔,凭什么被人类的世俗禁锢?”“时间形成了一个闭环,走了一圈回到起点,你我还是对立面,哪怕再走下去再相遇,你我依然是对立面。”1w0-92284 >>

Acid Flower

Set in an all boy’s Catholic school, it tells the story of one Kanan Hatori – a stunningly beautiful but damaged boy who spreads his legs for anyone who would have him. Once betrayed by the person he loved, the emotionally damaged Kanan has vowed never to fall in love again. Because of his beauty, many men he has slept with want him to be theirs; but Kanan always seems to be just dancing out of their reach… He is like the ever elusive wind – you want to touch it, want to bottle it, but the moment you close you’re fist around it thinking you have it in the palm of you’re hand, it just slips right through the gaps between you’re fingers… Jake Langley is the school’s corrupt priest. Just as Kanan had been known to sleep around with anybody, so too is Jake. Using his additional post as a Counselor, Jake openly “entertains” students, even in front of Kanan! But unbeknownst to anyone else, Jake is from a race of vampires that feeds on humans – specially the students he seduces, and he has set his eyes on Kanan to be the next victim. How will he fare? Will he finally be able to bottle this elusive wind, or will Kanan slip through his fingers just as he has slipped through everyone else’s? And what of Jake, what are his true intentions for Kanan? Does he really view him as just another goal to be conquered, or is there more to it? Will Kanan comply, or will he stay true to his reputation and forever remain just out of reach… *********** Because of a painful past experience, Kanan can't believe in love again. Yet after meeting with the priest and school Counselor, Jake, he begins to experience the joy he longs for. Even the strong possessiveness of Jake's, that is beyond normal, to Kanan is also a wonderful feeling...

Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica - Cardinal Crimson

In a place called Polyphonica, humans and spirits live side by side. Young musicians create magical sounds with their music, which bind the spirits to them. A struggling student named Phoron accidentally summons a spirit he met in childhood but later forgot about. Phoron could use all the help he can get, but this feisty spirit may prove to be more than he can handle!

D No Fuuin

A more serious manga from Kusunoki Kei (Girls Saurus, Dokkan Love, 100 Ways of an Exorcist). Daria is a relatively normal girl, despite the fact that she always seems to be the recipient of miracles. But when a strange character appears suddenly, with the intention of keeping his promise to kill her, her average high school life becomes anything but...


Nozoemon is an erotic romantic comedy about a robotic girl who travels back in time to aid the protagonist Takashi with the help of futuristic toys such as a “4D Randoseru” and an “Anything Box”.A parody of Fujiko F. Fujio's Doraemon

Great Violinists And Pianists

Great Violinists And Pianists summary: Great Violinists And Pianists summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Great Violinists And Pianists. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Whole Armour of God

The Whole Armour of God summary: The Whole Armour of God summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Whole Armour of God. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Old Man's War

Old Man's War summary: Old Man's War summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Old Man's War. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Hitomishiri Onna ga Isekai de Seitenka shita Kekka

Hitomishiri Onna ga Isekai de Seitenka shita Kekka summary: Saitou Yoshiko was a boring 24-year old woman. She had always hated her job, but due to her debilitating shyness never spoke out, leading to a suffocating lifestyle. Then at home she suddenly reincarnated?! And into that no less! She had become a man!
Thus, Yoshiko, now named Altis, lives her life in this other world, her shyness causing a whole mess of misunderstandings, unable to rectify them…
It’s planned to be a heartwarming slice of life, but it also contains violence, boys love expressions and s.e.xual depiction.

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