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内容简介:小兵提供出轨全文阅读全本txt免费下载(无弹窗广告),出轨电子书适合手机平板阅读,本站支持网盘、微盘高速免费下载。男人有七年之痒可他们交往才六年,他就开始发痒了?她,夏妍羽,个性谈不上 火爆,对情感却是理智得过火,当风昱翔,那如1w20274-84003 >>


内容简介:【预收《全世界都在磕我们的CP》和《衰神附体后我成了世界第二》求预收鸭】时易一家都是优质Alpha,他也从小就展现出了超强的体力和耐力,极具压倒性的气势。原本十拿九稳的分化,却突然变成 了Omega。而那个被他一直当小媳妇一样宠着护着,谁都不准碰的江逐,竟然分化成了高级Alpha。一夜之间,情势完全颠倒。所有嫉妒他害怕他曾经被他扁过的人瞬间翻身,嘲讽欺辱践踏,恨不得将他狠狠踩进泥坑里。时易却用自己的实力,狠狠打了所有人的脸,强弱从来都与性别无关。而虫族来袭时,他逆流而上,力挽狂澜的身影,多年以后依旧令人惊艳不已。可能因为分化太过异常,时易的身体出了点问题。他排斥所有Alpha的信息素,只觉得恶心暴躁想打人,除了江逐。于是时易直接将人堵在墙角,嗅闻着那好闻的味道,软声撒娇道,“好宝贝,乖崽崽,咱们商量一下,咬我一口好不好?”江·一杯倒·逐闻着鼻尖浓烈的威士忌味道,暗沉的眼珠泛上血丝,手指克制又轻颤地抚上他微微泛红的漂亮后颈,哑着嗓子叹息道:一口怎么够?时易知道越强大的Alpha易感期行为就越反常,但是他怎么也没想到竟然会是这样!他低声哄着那个缩在他衣服里筑巢的某人,无奈极了:我真的只是出去买点东西,不是要离开你。然后举了举手上的碗:吃完奖励亲一口,好不好?江逐红着眼眶看他,颤巍巍伸出一根手指,执拗道:吃一口亲一口。时易:……年少时期可望而不可及的梦,终于坠落在了他的掌心。又狼又狗占有欲超强A又撩又浪超强BUG受多剧情,联手打怪撒狗粮预收文:《全世界都在磕我们的CP》简意和顾西洲一个偶像派顶流一个实力派影帝,本来互不干涉的两个人,甚至根本没见过几面,却因为一句诗,导致网上拉郎和剪辑满天飞,甚至还有CP超话,任谁都要说一句超甜!简意一脸慎重地点进去逛了半天,满脸茫然地退出来。如果他不是主人公之一,也得跟着喊一声太甜了!SZD!于是他向自己的助理请教。简意:我们明明从来没有交集。助理:那叫欲盖弥彰!简意:我记得就上次颁奖晚会见过一面,只是点了一下头。助理:对啊,那叫一个含情脉脉欲语还休!简意试图最后挣扎一下:我觉得他应该挺讨厌我,每次对视总是很快就移开视线,神色很冷淡……助理:那叫做贼心虚!爱而不得!简意:……你赢了简意被他说的有点怀疑人生了,偏偏下部剧就是跟这个绯闻男友一起拍摄,全网都要疯了!他只能假装什么都不知道,一边正常拍戏,一边偷偷潜入超话,想看看自己究竟是哪里让他们产生了这种误会。然而正当他在看一篇以自己为主角的同人文时,却不幸被另一位正主抓了包。狭窄的化妆间里,顾西洲将简易抵在墙边,单手按着他的肩,一字一顿地念出了这些羞耻的文字。语气低沉,嗓音 >>


内容简介:高高在上的摄政王说:“我家王妃乡下来的,没见过世面,你们不要欺负她!”那些被摄政王妃抢尽风头的闺门淑妇们气得瑟瑟发抖:我们是欺负她,可为什么最后吃瘪的是我们?风神俊逸的摄政王又说:“我 家王妃不识数,连算盘是啥都不晓得,哪里能挣什么钱?”那些被摄政王妃收购了资产,合并了生意的商户们嘴唇发抽:王爷,王妃建的银号已经全国通用了,您瞎吗?冷傲无敌的摄政王又又说:“我家王妃温柔贤惠,通女则识女训,惟本王之命是从。”管家站在廊下,看着抱着铺盖卷被赶出房的摄政王,“王爷,书房已经收拾出来了……。”1w18314-84168 >>


内容简介:忆往昔峥嵘岁月稠,风起云涌的1935年,不愿做亡国之奴的叶唯明远走苏联。恰时苏德战争全面爆发,便身陷历史漩涡。在那个无比动荡的年代,流落异乡的叶唯明与战友们在战场上建立起血与火的情谊! 1w0-27485 >>


内容简介:996码农唐军民穿越到《战狼》世界,成为了红军指挥官唐爱国之爹。开局军演傻儿子被战狼中队斩首,选择系统激活!上阵父子兵,儿子阵亡亲爹上……于是一个左手抓着95式,右手提着突击枪的白发大 爷登场了……冷锋:“龙队!我他丫的刚才被一个老人两千米开外爆头了!”史三八:“龙队!这老人的速度就像是猎豹一样,我们根本无法在丛林中追上他的身影。”庄小龙:“老首长的重机枪点射比狙击Q还准!龙队,我们请求1w0-49347 >>



Boku No Ai O Shire!

After a stranger named Akio pays off Takuma's debt, Takuma finds himself working in Akio's shop, only to realize it's a host club. Takuma believes it's impossible for him to entertain women in such a way, but with proper guidance from Akio, he decided to do his best as an amateur host. Then one day, as Takuma tries to be more intimate with a customer in order to become a better host, Akio attacked him and said, 'Do you want to sleep with someone that badly?' Read on to see out what unfolds between these two men in this gorgeous love story.

Sekai Oni

With her parents dead or missing, Azuma has been taken into her uncle's family. However her new family has been harshly abusing her, to the point she has become so mentally unstable she developed the rare syndrome of Alice in Mirrorland, which makes her see things that shouldn't be there reflected on mirrors, water, glass, etc. Everything begins when the things she sees start affecting the real world directly, and the barrier between reality and illusion breaks apart. Welcome to the world at the other side of the mirror. Welcome to wonderland.

Jinrui Nekoka

The basic story: a high school student (Nanase Hokuto) living away from his parents (who are in Australia) shares an apartment house with three older girls. His exposure to their whimsical and teasing nature leaves him pretty much despising females. However, the high-school idol (Taniyama Maina) ends up having a crush on him. Her best friend is Nakajima Atsumi, your typical sukeban. Hokuto's best friend, Moriyama Syuuichirou, is the young-punk biker. These two friends conspire to hook Hokuto up with Maina, much to Maina's delight and Hokuto's chagrin. Into this setting we interject the jealousy of the rest of the high school, a female rival for Hokuto's attention, a number of fights, the inevitable parents recalling Hokuto, and Maina threatening to run away from home. We could go on, but pretty much everything is in here.

The Tainted Half

Read manga The Tainted HalfTwo brothers. One concubine. Seolha's face was disfigured by her mother, who sought to deny the emperor his prize: the most beautiful concubine in the world. Now forced to endure a lifetime of abuse, Seolha can only pin her hopes on Muon, the emperor's twin brother. But is he really someone she can trust?The Tainted Half is a story tagged R18, please consider before reading this series.

The Negro: what is His Ethnological Status?

The Negro: what is His Ethnological Status? summary: The Negro: what is His Ethnological Status? summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Negro: what is His Ethnological Status?. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Cruise of the

The Cruise of the 'Esmeralda' summary: The Cruise of the 'Esmeralda' summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Cruise of the 'Esmeralda'. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mezzerow Loves Company

Mezzerow Loves Company summary: Mezzerow Loves Company summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mezzerow Loves Company. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Inside the Cave of Obscenity

Inside the Cave of Obscenity summary: A world where the [Demon King] was defeated by a [Hero] that came from another world. People carelessly forgot about their fear of the [Demon King] and of monsters, living in peace.
In a forgotten and run-down cave in the mountains, a new monster that should not have been born was given birth.
The monster’s name was the [Black Ooze]. It was nothing exceptional other than its black color, an ordinary slime.
However, this slime had the special characteristic of being able to take the abilities of the living things it swallowed. It preyed on an insect that had paralytic poison, as well as other animals. Following that, it attacked a human, obtaining his knowledge and [Desire].
Before long, the monster established its target as the female mage that came to explore the cave.
This world still wasn’t aware.
[A Monster Was Born]&h.e.l.lip;

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