


























类别都市 少女 总裁 言情






内容简介:归元派有一座道观,隐居于山林之中,传承千年,能将钱财自动转为功德,庇护弟子,不受五弊三缺的干扰。没想到第一百零一代观主意外被害,第二代观主池西只能借尸还魂,从地下爬上来收拾残局,暂代第 一百零二代观主之职。谁曾想,道观超前消费,兑换了庞大的功德,欠下大笔款项。不管是活着的时候做玄学大佬,还是死后在地下做自由鬼的时候,都没有为五弊三缺烦恼过的她,马失前蹄,成了一个彻彻底底的穷鬼。——今天也是为钱烦恼的一天。——为了还钱,她付出了太多。——什么时候才能找到弟子继承这庞大的债务。1w0-4459 >>


内容简介:半年的蛰伏,近两百天的酝酿,历尽了都市、科幻、玄幻洗礼之后,罗霸道再一次回归到充斥着冷冰金属质感的星际江湖,星际的大门缓缓打开,星际的浪潮冲撞着未来之门,让我们一起展开想象的翅膀,畅游 那神秘的幻想世界……主角:罗霸道本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《星际江湖》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68233 >>


内容简介:已更,微博年深不见☆预收文《梦醒撩你呀》花式打滚求收藏呀————人气小说作家言檬,肤白貌美大长腿,有颜有才还有钱,追爱豆追到飞起。一个不小心,混成了爱豆手下的流量小花。老本行不能丢,娱 乐圈业务也要拓展。迟沉出道多年,整个娱乐圈都知道他不接吻戏,工作室清一色男艺人,绯闻第一时间否认。直到有一天,新人言檬空降工作室……“这个新人我亲自带。”新剧拍摄期间,迟沉亲加17场亲热戏,无借位无替身,言檬被吻到缺氧。知乎热门问题:【和爱豆谈恋爱是种什么体验?】言檬匿名回答:腿软!腿软!腿软!!深夜,言檬写肌肤之亲卡文,进去洗了个澡。出来时迟沉把她逼至墙角,握住她的纤腰,耳鬓厮磨,“写不出来?要不我们实践一下?”媒体发布视频:迟沉家中忘拉窗帘,言檬长T下露出勾人的大长腿,二人共进晚餐,举止亲密,疑似同居!!粉丝:心累,工作室怎么还不出来否认!当晚,工作室发布微博:【迟沉工作室:官宣一下,这是我们老板娘。言檬】【言檬:追星是借着你的光,看尽这世间温柔。】【迟沉:清晨梦醒,最想身边有你。】————————☆阅读提示1一切人物没有原型,剧情设定胡乱瞎想2轻松向小甜文3看文图个开心,不喜请点×————————【《梦醒撩你呀》文案】斯文败类影帝×妖精追星助理戚晚胸大腿长,放着上亿家产不继承,跑去给艺人当助理差点被亲爹打断腿。喻骁觉得新来的助理什么都好,就是醉酒之后胆太大,竟然敢把他按上床。那一吻又软又甜,比酒还醉人,食髓知味,喻骁着了魔。第二天酒醒,戚晚什么也不记得了,捡起衣服就逃。喻骁:呵,撩完就不认账的妖精。戚晚觉得喻骁最近十分反常,滴酒不沾的他,每次和她单独吃饭都要点酒。直到某天,媒体曝出一组照片:夜晚街头,女人醉醺醺地扯过他的领带,搭着他的肩膀,垫脚吻得动情。戚晚打死不敢相信,照片里的女人竟然是她自己!当晚,喻骁掐上她的细腰,把她摁在怀里:“这次,你赖不掉了。”1w0-55468 >>




内容简介:  “天龙道宗乃九耀星八大无上大宗之一,本座更为天龙道宗道子,你得罪了本座,只要本座一声令下,剑仙如云……”“轰!”秦林叶对准九耀星隔空一拳。拳劲蕴含的力量洞穿大气层,犹如一颗直径数十 公里的致密星以上千公里的秒速度狠狠撞击地面。大地融化、星核粉碎。烈焰和岩浆席卷起的浪潮以超音速源源不断朝四面八方扩散,地壳表面的山川、河流、森林,被完全剥离,撞击抛起的尘埃与岩石直接飞向了大气层,并在下一刻……咔嚓。毁灭性的力量贯穿星辰,掠过星空,消失在无尽深幽。星球崩裂、炸散!粉碎!犹如一朵闪耀在星海中的烟花。“你刚才说什么,剑仙如云下面呢?我好像没有听清楚。”秦林叶举着拳,看向这位天龙道宗道子。1w0-1726 >>


内容简介:【热血玄幻·升级流·一代谋圣驰骋异界】记忆被封印的天才少年谋圣,一场意外让他被卷入了大陆无尽黑暗的漩涡……当难以让人接受真相曝光之时,面对未知的力量、强横的敌人、还有那永无止境的三界追 杀,他的选择,又会是什么?◆手持通天噬灵器,内修魔道弑神决,乘骑洪荒超神兽,驭使深渊百万军。◆你有你在意的钱权酒色,我有我珍惜重视的热血伙伴!胆敢手欠犯我者,管他天地容不容、诸强服不服!不服!打到你服!各位书友要是觉得《魔道剑神》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-26996 >>

Shoubu Wa Toki No... Un Daro? Seven

Shoubu wa Toki no Un Daro? is actually a series which Takaguchi co-writes with another artist. SEVEN is a solo work using many of the same characters, but takes place slightly later. It is about the members of the basketball team at a sports-based high school. The first chapter focuses on a new character, Kiyoshi. Although he is attending a sports-based school, he is unable to play sports because of a childhood accident. He isn't dealing well, until Nana (Seven) takes him under his wing and asks him to be the manager of the club. Nana is a senior and captain of the basketball team. Kiyoshi quickly falls for him. But most of Nana's attention is focused on his coach, Saegusa. The man practically built the basketball team from scratch and was manager at one point. He played basketball in middle school, but fell prey to some kind of chronic illness and wasn't able to play after that. All his life he worked with the goal that he would one day be able to play again. But suddenly, he realizes that it will never happen. He begins drinking and becomes depressed. Nana works to pull him out of it, and perhaps they grow too close... from Tranlated Treasures

You Can Keep Doing This

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Sound Mind

Sound Mind summary: Sound Mind summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sound Mind. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Red Seal

The Red Seal summary: The Red Seal summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Red Seal. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Gold Sickle

The Gold Sickle summary: The Gold Sickle summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Gold Sickle. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Harper's Round Table, August 13, 1895

Harper's Round Table, August 13, 1895 summary: Harper's Round Table, August 13, 1895 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Harper's Round Table, August 13, 1895. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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