































法官陈玉滢  作者:不详

内容简介:陈玉滢是市法院民事法庭的主审官,今年才刚满三十二,不仅是单位重点培养的物件,还是全市最年轻的主审官,她出生干部家庭,人又长得漂亮,丈夫又是司法局的科长,前途光明,陈玉滢可谓样样顺心,可 最近她却被一件事搞的心情很不好。一个叫赵洪的香港商人在市郊投资建了一个塑胶厂,本来是件推动市里经济建设的好事,可没多久周边的农民上告说工厂非法排放有毒废水,不仅导致鱼塘里的鱼虾大量死亡,甚至还有很多村民中毒,专家鉴定,河水中毒素含量严重超标,如果证实是该塑胶厂所排放,那这个厂肯定是要被依法查封。可坏就坏在这个赵洪老奸巨猾,怎么也不承认,几次突击检查,却总是毫无收获。。1w0-80436 >>


内容简介:她是齐国最可爱的小公主上官蝶舞,只因在出宫的时候遇到了年仅五岁的他楚冥远,看不得他被人欺凌,便带着他回了宫。如此,两人一起相伴着长大,青梅竹马,两小无猜,互相爱慕。然而,一个公主,一个 侍卫,两人身份上的差距,如同鸿沟,难以跨越,要想在一起谈何容易?爱情,从来不是两情相悦就能永远在一起。他们一直坚持不放弃,经历重重困难,最后是否能守得云开见月明,最终有情人终成眷属?1w0-95504 >>


内容简介:抓周那天,陶琼琇见色起意扑进一个小哥哥怀里。结果就给自己扑来了一个未婚夫。以后的镇北王爷,陈嘉赐。————————————————陈嘉赐,大亘开元帝嫡幼子,先封吴王,后因战功加封镇北王 。风姿无双,功勋盖世。作为全文最厉害的大佬,重生女主求爱被他直接无视。男主觊觎皇位拉拢于他,他冷眼旁观。纵使男主后来成功登基称帝,仍得恭恭敬敬唤他一声叔父。被这个功勋盖世的王叔压的喘不过气。可惜,美玉微瑕。镇北王生来煞气缠身,克尽身边所有人,是个天煞孤星。死对头们都在背后嘲讽,任你再怎么举世无双又如何,注定得孤独终老。陶琼琇一朝穿书,一路卖萌打滚的扑到了大佬怀里。作为第一个不为大佬煞气影响的人,成功和大佬定下婚约。从此,就过上了被大佬亲亲抱抱举高高、拼命宠上天的人生。陶琼琇人生赢家get√————————————————推一下下基友的新文呀~《古早文女主觉醒以后(快穿)》by轻言1226,我让渣男男主跪地求饶《小郎君重生》by李从嘉,在嘛?一起爬个窗!———————————————【再嫁东宫】古言预收,感兴趣的可以收藏一下陶菀玥这一生,所嫁非人,家族被灭。可她硬是从泥坑里爬了出来,报仇雪恨,再嫁良人。然,亲人不在,良人早逝。她坐拥富贵权势却孤独终老。好在,她重生到了十三岁这一年。算算日子,再过两年,宁国公府就会前来提亲。再过五年,怀谦候府就会被人构陷,以通敌叛国罪满门抄斩。陶菀玥沉思一下,觉得这都不用急。最重要的是,先去把自家那个不久后就会被人截杀,导致后半生病痛缠身,英年早逝的良人、现在的东宫太子给找到。摄熙母族显赫,贵为太子。却生母早逝,被皇父打压,兄弟忌惮。在一次九死一生的刺杀中,他被一个姑娘给救了。姑娘生的很美,香肌玉肤,花容月貌。可最美的是她看自己时的眼睛,仿佛含着满腔的情意与柔情。他想娶她。————————————————【嫁给男主小叔叔】施秀莹穿书了,成了诚国公府五小姐,嫡枝嫡脉嫡幼女,身份尊贵,貌若洛神,然而,是个女配二叔父家的现女主二姐姐是重生的,三叔父家的前女主四姐姐是个穿越的,自己是那个仗着诚国公唯一的宝贝女儿身份觊觎男主的女配施秀莹:“……”穿书太危险不过——够刺激于是,施秀莹就过上了每日吃水果嗑瓜子,坐看前后两任女主撕逼的日子至于书中男主?施秀莹看了看冷酷霸道,俊美无俦,等等被作者花了几百字形容的对方,默默的离远了些。这不是她的菜,施秀莹微笑表示,她喜欢的是温润如玉那款的。然而,话不能说的太死。施秀莹刚刚及笄,就被男主那个出了名的喜怒无常,纨绔不讲理的小叔叔给叼回了家。等等,她记得这个小叔叔好像是帝王流落在外的亲子,后来的新帝?—————— >>


内容简介:手机阅读《重生小军嫂:长官,立正!》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读重生前,她和他因误会分离。重生后,许晚晚果断对情敌宣布:“靳爵风是我的男人!”霸气的结果,是走路扶墙。重生前的靳爵风高冷傲娇 ,重生后的大首长宠起妻来脸都不要。靳少说:“我家晚晚颜值高智商低,你们不要和她比成绩。”某被许晚晚抢走第一名的学霸泪流满面:靳少,请摸着良心说话。靳少说:“我家晚晚身娇体弱,你们不要舞枪弄棒的欺负她。”某挂彩的校霸扑通一声跪下:靳少,你媳妇的散打,真不是你言传身教?靳少说:“我家晚晚乖巧听话,我说一,她绝不说二……”某日,大首长向自己被“家暴”的副官推荐:“这个东西,学名叫护膝,别名叫跪得舒服。软和、厚实,耐磨,我媳妇手工,你要不要订购一个?”1w0-32597 >>


内容简介:  多年未见,宋佳曦再次遇到梁欢,被堵在了牙科诊室里。她用最怂的心态做了最有气势的挑衅:“梁医生,是对我余情未了吗?”“呵,对你余情未了?“某斯文禁欲腹黑医生俯身,直接堵住了她的嘴,” 我想的一直是卷土重来,拐你进家门!”此刻的他一点也不想好好做个人。1w0-3763 >>



Love Trial

A series of oneshots. Contents: • AV Boys- College student Kouta needs to make money fast! His family borrowed alot of money and ran off, leaving him with the debt. When his senpai Sonomura gets him a job as a gay AV actor, Kouta decides to only work until his debts are paid. But the money is really good, and working with Sonomura is getting more and more comfortable... • My Love Castle- Masaomi's father has gone on vacation with his lover and left Masaomi to manage his love hotel, something he has no experience at. With handsome manager Tsushima helping out with his 'hands on' approach, things will be fine. Right? • I Love You More Than I Can Imagine!!- Keizou's family owns a liquor store and one day during a delivery he picks up a beautiful young student. Keizou's never been interested in guys before, but something about the high school boy sparks his imagination and now he can't get him out of his head! Will Keizou get a chance to make his dreams a reality? • The One Who Loves You Deeply- Sex shop owner Miyatsuki knows there's something familiar about the beautiful young man who comes looking for a job. But the harder he tries to place Jyunta, the more it slips away from him, and each day is one closer to Jyunta taking on customers, an idea which bothers Miyatsuki alot. • Me and My Beloved Sensei - Nagaoka has his dream job, being an assistant to his favorite mangaka, Chigaya Senri. But Chigaya seems to be a bit of a recluse and unusual - incorporating running and weight lifting into the daily lessons. But who is really doing the teaching? And why does a mangaka own a black bondage suit? • The Courage I Get From Loving You?- Isawa thought visiting the hot spring would be boring, but beautiful (underage) part-time worker Shitsuki catches his eye, and Isawa finds himself unable to resist the lure of the innocent student. • Love Trial-Kousuke has spent three years in an unrequited love for his friend Sonokawa Yukihi. Without the courage to confess, Kousuke is afraid that they'll graduate without Yukihi ever knowing his feelings. But a class trip stay with aggressive upperclassmen, revealing clothing, and huddling in small spaces may make it impossible for Kousuke to keep his cool! • Love Trial - After That- A beautiful sunny day brings out the beast in Kousuke.

Uso To Kiss

Can love overcome all? One night stands rarely lead to the sweet romance that everyone dreams of - but for Haru and Tatsuya, maybe they're the lucky ones. Meeting by chance at the bar where Haru works part-time, Tatsuya is immediately attracted. After their night together, Haru is thrilled that he can be with Tatsuya again. Even as the years passed, Haru always thought of Tatsuya - but what will happen when Tatsuya finds out about Haru's true identity? Note: There are incest themes in this manga.

Mahou Kabushikigaisha

A cute story about a reckless girl who works at a magic company and her three co-workers as they deal with out-of-this world problems like a runaway baby dragon.

Kekkon Kirai No Sankyoudai

In the Kekkon Kirai no Sankyoudai series(????????; The Three Marriage-Hating Brothers), also called the 'Billion-Dollar Braddocks' series: 1) Onzoushi no Yuuutsu (??????; The C.E.O.'s Unplanned Proposal): Cinderella by Mistake! When a case of mistaken identity landed Katie Canton in the Braddock world of wealth and power, she couldn't resist the temptation to mingle with the famous family. Especially fascinating eldest brother, Adam. Getting the commanding C.E.O. to loosen up was a worthy cause -- until Katie realized the danger of opening her heart to a man whose master plan did not include Ms. Nobody from Nowhere! The unshakeable Adam was all shook up -- and a slip of a woman was to blame. Mysterious Katie had tilted his ordered world off its axis. Would the man who had everything recognize the one gift money couldn't buy -- a lifetime of love? 2) Koi wa Butoukai de (??????; The Playboy's Office Romance): Spoiled...Braddock! Lara Richmond couldn't believe that irresponsible playboy, Bryce Braddock, would be CEO of Braddock Industries -- and Lara's new boss. Surely the tabloids' favorite Braddock brother would grow bored without his fast cars and faster women? Lara wasn't about to examine why the thought of enduring Bryce's maddening presence every day caused her heart to beat faster! Bryce reveled in the chance to prove his right to the Braddock legacy. And to provoke no-nonsense Lara Richmond. Until one intense encounter hinted that their battle of wills hid an earth-shattering passion. It was time for a new corporate strategy -- a takeover of the heart! 3) Lady e no Kaidan (???????; The Blacksheep's Arranged Marriage): The Braddock blood ran fierce and true in Peter Braddock. Yet his scandalous past kept the youngest Braddock sibling from feeling he really belonged in the elite society his family ruled. Perhaps that's what made him defend shy, awkward Theadosia Berenson -- the ugly duckling debutante -- and landed him in trouble that led to a marriage proposal! Thea knew Peter felt honor-bound to propose. But the perpetual wallflower couldn't say no to the man who stirred her secret fantasies. Though she tried to hide her tender feelings, one kiss revealed a shocking desire between them. Would the spark ignite a fire -- and lead two lonely hearts home? (from fictiondb)

Elements of Plumbing

Elements of Plumbing summary: Elements of Plumbing summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Elements of Plumbing. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Qinglian Chronicles

Qinglian Chronicles summary: MC (female protagonist) dies in a plane crash and wakes up in the body of a beautiful but corrupt and lascivious prime minister in ancient times, Zhang Qinglian. As circ.u.mstances decree, he (she) cannot reveal that the original owner’s soul is gone else calamity might occur. So he (she) decides to walk a righteous path, determined to help the lovely but simple little emperor rule the country. Not backing down after facing torture, not losing courage, destroying rebellions and facing off with scheming princes.

Roses: Four One-Act Plays

Roses: Four One-Act Plays summary: Roses: Four One-Act Plays summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Roses: Four One-Act Plays. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Hard Fall

Hard Fall summary: Hard Fall summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hard Fall. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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