


类别都市 恋爱 霸总


简介【每周日更新】出门游泳,还能捡个总裁回来?韩小美就撞上了这样的“大运”!但请神容易送神难,捡了个“大神”回家,岂是那么容易送走的?总裁风景天不单止失忆,还要在小美家蹭吃蹭住!一向精明的韩小美会不会这次就折在风景天的手里?“赖皮”总裁与“精明”上班族,在同一屋檐下生活起来……(编:苏禾 绘:琥珀松楽 春风画社)






























内容简介:免费提供作者雀鸣的经典小说:《玄学大师在八零年代》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说重回1985年,她开了遍布全国的24小时连锁杂货铺;她养的龙鱼拍出了百万天价 ;她创办了名震京城的私房菜馆,汇集众多失传名菜…重活一世,苏秀秀不当玄学大师,却要快意恩仇。当然,还要跟上辈子的救命恩人孟庭松,再续前缘……苏秀秀:既死而复生,自是要精彩纷呈!师傅:乾卦,飞龙在天大人造也!TOPIC玄学相关资料,均来自《民间相面四字真言》及网络搜索。如有不妥之处,请见谅。女主是真神棍(相师),孟苏c1w0-99314 >>


内容简介:程湛养了个很作很会撒娇的小美人,每天过着蜜里调油的生活。一次聚会,旁人都带着女伴,唯他孤零零一人,朋友调侃:“程总,你那小美人带来给我们看看?”程湛抿了口酒,淡淡道:“不看,怕你们嫉妒 。”朋友好奇:“怎么说。”程湛回忆了下向月明撒娇做作那劲,清了下嗓,“太崇拜我。”朋友:“……”1w0-4509 >>


内容简介:三线女明星乔素被渣男哄骗,掉下悬崖,重新醒来已经换了一个灵魂。被嘲笑一直勾搭男人,乔素直接勾搭娱乐圈顶端的霍沉彧,本以为霍沉彧跟别的男人一样拒绝,没想到霍沉彧顺水推舟,把乔素宠到了心尖 上。“夫人想要影后,为夫帮你。”“夫人想要报复渣男,为夫帮你。”乔素整天哀叹,报仇一点体验感都没有,“突然有点后悔招惹你了。”“这个为夫帮不了你了,后悔也没用。”1w0-79307 >>


内容简介:  穿越到洪荒,风紫宸不是先天神魔,也不是先天生灵,而是成了洪荒最弱的生灵。在这个出身决定命运的世界,风紫宸本着人定胜天的精神,一步步缔造出属于自己的神话。群号:10981859901 w0-1603 >>


内容简介:《小狐狸业务不熟快穿》是作者一颗苹果糖创作安陶是一只因为不会吸元气冻死的小狐狸,结果给拽着后颈扔到各种险恶的系统世界中——扮演不是作天作地,缠着主角攻给主角受下绊子,就是出场三章被拎出 去为主角攻受赴死,奋战在第一线的炮灰。安陶战战兢兢走剧本时,发现主角攻受和反派BOSS身上,都有他不吸就会挨饿受冻的元气……于是小狐狸只能悄咪咪试图薅暖气,缠人再缠久一点,给反派BOSS打小报告,还悄悄给主角受递爱的小纸条。主角攻:这小狐狸精勾引我?反派BOSS:……小东西,你引起了我的注意。主角受:既然那人待你不好,就跟哥哥过吧。勉强求生的小狐狸越到后面,就越害怕,不愿意也强行被催熟了。没来得及跑,就被束上了捆妖的红丝带。安陶:我,我不要元气了……主角攻冷脸拉下领带:“过来。”“别让我重复第二遍。”主角受微笑着掐他下巴诱哄:“乖乖的,嗯?”“我知道你喜欢。”安陶后退几步,撞到反派身前,瑟瑟地试图告状:他们,你看他们,都坏了……反派BOSS臂展一捞就把小狐狸禁在怀里,伪装面具撕下,不怀好意地顺着他尾巴根往上摸:“那是什么给你错觉,全局从底子里都坏的坏人,会放过你呢?”———高亮————业务不熟练的小狐狸精X腹黑大佬各世界主角攻,主角受,反派BOSS,各色大佬等不幸多选一。注意事项,主受2苏,苏苏苏3高亮!主角非强4黑化情节√感兴趣可康康预收↓——《靠宿敌的信息素才能勉强生活》——校园ABO学神斯文败类攻X学渣会咬人本能逃不过猫科动物受景默是猫妖,因此腿长爱干架能睡觉身体素质一流又热衷于抢地盘,在校三年,终成惹不起的校霸。所有西城的学生都默认他是个A,而且是个猎食性的顶A,景默自己也这么觉得。直到他某天在更衣室里,从那个看不顺眼,人气爆棚的Alpha转校生身上闻到……薄荷的味道。当场把人扑倒在地,跨坐在人腰间,景默意识不清地埋在人颈窝里嗅嗅闻闻,漏出来的尾巴啪嗒啪嗒地拍打着地面,缠着人大腿。“你……别动……让我吸一口……”带着鼻音的轻哼在更衣室里响起。“…………”转校生面无表情地伸手,覆着薄茧的手指慢条斯理地捏上了身上人白皙的后颈。于是景默就像被捏着命运的后颈的猫一样不能动了。再后来,命运的后颈被咬了一口。……——你天生就该是我的猫。逃不脱,跑不掉。……斯文败类信息素猫薄荷攻X会咬人的猫科动物受笔趣阁首发小狐狸业务不熟快穿最新章节,全文免费无弹窗1w0-84703 >>

Seizon - Life

From Kotonoha: Takeda is diagnosed with cancer and feels that he has nothing to live for. His wife also had had cancer, had died of it in fact, and his only daughter has been missing for fourteen years. One day, when he is about to attempt suicide, the phone rings. It’s the police, and they inform him that the dead body of his long lost daughter has been found, that it appears to have been a homicide. Takeda is crushed but resolves then and there to spend the remaining days of his life hunting down his daughter’s killer. The time left for Takeda to live equals the time left to put the murderer behind bars. Life is a heart-wrenching story about a father’s willpower and his search for the truth.


Monster weaves the riveting story of brilliant Dr. Kenzo Tenma, a famous surgeon with a promising career at a leading hospital. Tenma risks his reputation and promising career to save the life of a critically wounded young boy. Unbeknownst to him, this child is destined for a terrible fate. A string of strange and mysterious murders begin to occur soon afterward, ones that professionally benefit Dr. Tenma, and he emerges as the primary suspect. Conspiracies, serial murders, and a scathing depiction of the underbelly of hospital politics are all masterfully woven together in this compelling manga thriller.

Chocolat - Maid Cafe "curio"

This is the story of the workers in the Maid Cafe Curio, based on the video game. The current shop manager, Daisuke, is a young man standing in for his newly remarried and traveling father. He must deal with all the quirky young ladies who work at the maid cafe, including his newest hire, the runaway rich girl Misato, who doesn't know the first thing about working at a maid cafe. Other workers include Daisuke's new stepsister Suzu, the aggressive floor chief Midori, the clumsy chef Sayaka, the absent-minded waitress Imako, and the academic-minded Kanako.


A follow-up to a heavy response to the original yomi-kiri manga by the same title. Good Ending follows the main character Utsumi's interactions with Kurokawa Yuki, a member of the school tennis team, in order for Utsumi to confess his feelings to the captain of the tennis team. It is implied that the title of the manga is derived from the 'good endings' that are achieved in visual novels.

Rebirth Of A Supermodel

Rebirth Of A Supermodel summary: In his past life, Ming Yu struggled in the European and United States fashion circles, eventually becoming the well deserved king of the catwalk. After dying from a serious illness and being reborn, Ming Yu was surprised to find: Huaxia stars shone brightly, there were successful names everywhere! In this better world, on a more vigorous and brilliant stage, the first supermodel tries to reproduce the glory of another world! Interviewer: May I ask Mr Xi, this year Ming Yu said he would surpa.s.s you. As the number one global supermodel, what is your opinion on this? Xi Ze: This is a bad question. My family has very strict rules. Home Owner Ming Yu: ……. The pair of black-hearted husbands will sweep the fashion industry, conquering the world.

The Spearmaster and the Black Cat

The Spearmaster and the Black Cat summary: After a tear in reality pulls Kagari Shuya into a white room he discovers a futuristic interface for reincarnating in a different world. After looking through the different races and skills he unlocks a new race, Lucivault, a type of vampire with none of its characteristic weaknesses. All set to start his life in a new world, Shuya is confused to discover that he is enveloped in darkness. As it turns out something went wrong when he was transported and instead of appearing where he was supposed to, he appeared in an underground cave. Shuya faces untold dangers, runs for his life, before finding his way out of the underground world. After escaping he meets his Shishou and begins to learn to fight with a spear. There is also a cute black cat named Rollo.

Murder In Mesopotamia

Murder In Mesopotamia summary: Murder In Mesopotamia summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Murder In Mesopotamia. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The King's Moment

The King's Moment summary: The King's Moment summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The King's Moment. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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