


类别恋爱 霸总 后宫






























内容简介:女朋友嫌林云穷,跟着富二代跑了,结果突然冒出个首富外公来跟林云相认。“你为什么现在才来跟我相认,我就是饿死,死外边,也绝对不会跟你相认的!”“叮,银行卡到账一亿!”“嗯,真香……”成为 富三代后,林云渐渐明白一个真理,有钱真好!1w1243-29059 >>


内容简介:上门说亲的媒婆:叶先生,你老大不小该成亲了,隔壁村的王翠花就不错!一看就知道是好生养的……叶枫八岁的养女:王翠花是男人婆,只有这个世界上最美的女子,才配得上我爹爹!媒婆:呵呵!村里都穷 ,能娶上老婆就算不错的了。媒婆离开之后,叶枫八岁的养女楚芊芊离家出走,说要出山闯荡,替叶枫寻找世间最美的女子做老婆……不久之后,‘叶无敌’的大名响彻整个世界,连风华绝代的某位女帝,都成为了楚芊芊的后妈……1w0-113801 >>


内容简介:【小说网独家签约小说:聊天群:别装了,你就是荒天帝!】“嘶……荒天帝恐怖如斯,竟然随随便便就学会了九阳神功!”“嘶……荒天帝这么强的吗?连大威天龙也能瞬间学会?”“嘶……恐怖如斯啊!恐 怖如斯啊!荒天帝只用了三个月就将大品天仙决修成了!!”…………由于一个误会,李维开始在聊天裙内假扮荒天帝,以此捞好处。直到某一天,李维真的修成了天帝道果。李维“不装了,摊牌了,其实我不是荒天帝。”聊天裙内众人“别装了,你就是荒天帝!”聊天裙裙主“哼!短短几百年,修成十八阶天帝,你不是荒天帝,谁是荒天帝?”聊天裙裙主:“看我这睿智的眼神。”李维“唉,一裙智障……”无奈,这一裙智障被他骗了几百年小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-103697 >>


内容简介:制神符,炼体魄,修无上剑道,悟法则奥义……陈汐凭借过人的胆识和逆天的机缘,在这神魔纵横的大世界中,最终踏上无尽大道的巅峰,掌控天下!金鱼的微信公众号:搜索【 萧瑾瑜】添加即可!1w0-1065 >>


内容简介:被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节列:小说《被嫌弃的妹妹》吃饱饱睡觉觉著被嫌弃的妹妹全文阅读被嫌弃的妹妹是吃饱饱睡觉觉写的穿越重生类小说兄弟战争被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节列:小说《兄弟战争被嫌弃的妹妹》吃 饱饱睡觉觉著兄弟战争被嫌弃的妹妹全文阅读猥琐流吐槽向?慢热中长篇,鼻天然呆老爸的再婚对象居然有十三个儿子!有魅力无敌的前继姐日向绘麻珠玉在前,从小生活在老爸各种烂摊子阴影下、“无男友史年龄”的女刺头能否成为一名魔法少啊不!后宫之主?故事发生在原作的两年之后,至于绘麻为毛不是女主,属于剧透范围,麻亲妈请放心。白文,毁原作,慎重入坑于作者是个没有爱与梦想的成年人,灵感时有枯竭,此文不坑,跪谢民那桑的支持,真空小新人昨xmlampxmlamp声明《被嫌弃的妹妹》作者吃饱饱睡觉觉写的被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节小说在线阅读,实时同步更新被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节,书友所发表的被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节评论,并不代表要看书赞同被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节或者支持被嫌弃的妹妹读者阅读的此观点,我们的立场仅限于传播更多读者感兴趣的信息。如果小说被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节浏览,或对小说被嫌弃的妹妹内容、版权等方面有质疑,或对本站有意见建议请到站务管理区发帖,如果发现《被嫌弃的妹妹》小说最新章节未及时更新请联系我们。如果您喜欢小说被嫌弃的妹妹请支持作者到书店购买正版图书。感谢您的合作与支持。各位书友要是觉得《被嫌弃的妹妹》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27925 >>


内容简介:退婚当日,她给他算了一卦——大凶。于是,果真大凶。身着军装叱咤风云的他,因此“大凶”,成了她的顶头上司。一场退婚风云,一场隐婚历程,一场追妻之旅。他视她为掌心至宝,她却避他如洪水猛兽。 事实证明——这个人,这段情,是你的,那就——必须躲不过啊!楚凉夏永远也想不到,兜兜转转,她还是嫁给了他。一纸合约,一张结婚证,一个俊雅腹黑的男人,从此,楚凉夏开始了自己的隐婚生活。合约如下:一、婚后生活,各不干扰。二、亲戚朋友面前,该装的,那还得装;三、同居期间,互帮互助,以和为贵;四、……此合约,讲究公平公正的原则,绝对合理、互惠互利。楚凉夏很满意。但——结婚没多久,楚凉夏便悲催的发现,自己被坑了!那个衣冠楚楚的冷峻军少呢,怎么就成了个无耻的衣冠禽兽?!擦,脸呢?!【坑剧场一】婚前的生活——认真工作;认真相亲;认真坑蒙拐骗。婚后的生活——狠斗极品;智斗小三;勇斗家中那位爷!于是——楚凉夏爆发了!“我要离婚!”狠狠拍桌,楚凉夏手持桃花剑,直抵男人下巴。封子珩脸色一黑,一纸合同糊她脸上,“敢离婚,打断你腿!”【坑剧场二】晚上十点。楚凉夏手脚麻利的低头收摊。“算个命。”头顶声音飘来,冷得很。“收摊了!”楚凉夏头也不抬。“十倍价钱。”那声音强调。“成交……”楚凉夏欢喜地抬眼,可在瞥见来人后,笑容立即僵住,“再见。”抱着神棍必备道具,楚凉夏转身就跑!然——身后伸出一只手,揪住她的衣领。“这位爷,看您面相极佳,咱俩相遇算缘分,给您免个费如何?”楚凉夏一脸假兮兮的真诚。“再敢摆摊,扣两个月工资!”某位爷冷着脸开口。“……”某楚秒怂。下一秒,直接被丢上车。【坑剧场三】深夜。被压在床上的楚凉夏,抓住某位爷的衣领抗议。“合同上没这要求!”“也没禁止。”某位爷理所当然。“你个禽兽!”“楚凉夏,你果然天真。”某位爷冷笑。“……”于是,扑倒!本文又名《我是神算我怕谁》、《我家娘子会算命》、《兵哥哥该如何挽救媳妇的封建思想》、《剪刀手一波三折的成名史》、《爱上无耻军少该肿么破》,等。男主军人出身,霸道总裁一枚。女主歌手出身,神棍一枚(伪),有正经职业,后期当红明星。一对一,婚恋暖文,半娱乐圈,主打温暖搞笑的爱情故事,欢迎跳坑。PS:本文神棍设定乃虚构,一切纯靠作者YY,不涉及歪门邪道思想,不牵扯怪力乱神,请勿考究。1w0-29144 >>

Pink Choodai

A one volume anthology of four loosely connected stories, each with a color as its theme! Pay attention--these stories have some minor character overlaps~ You may see somebody again as a background character! (For the record, it is 'NAKAMURA Makoto', and not 'NAKAMURA Shin'--Kanji confusion.) Story 1: Pink Choodai Hitomi feels insecure and unconfident in her boyfriend, Satoshi's, love for her. So what's the best way to find out if he loves her? What?! Playing around with other guys? Story 2: An Overflow of Blue Haruka loves Satoshi, who already has a girlfriend, Hitomi. Haruka's coworker NAKAMURA Makoto loves Haruka. Problem is, Haruka hates Makoto. What should she do in this mess? Story 3: Lying Yellow How far will Mariko go to confess to a guy who's too shy to make the first move? A transfer student, Yuri, only makes the situation more complicated then ever! Story 4: White Mask Yuri shows her great love for her childhood friend Makoto... but why can't she date him? Actual Event Timeline: White-->Yellow-->Pink/Blue

Jitsuryokuha Elite Jin

Creatures from another dimension have invaded Earth! Earth weapons are useless against these 'Neighbors,' but some scientists have created new weapons based on the enemy's technology. Using these weapons, humans struggle to defend themselves from the invaders. The head of the central base has sent the ace soldier, Yuuichi Jin, to help out the failing Base 7, and rescue his son Yuiga Tadashi, who is the leader there. Unfortunately, the problem with Base 7 is, in fact, Yuiga Tadashi. He's a terrible leader who cares for nothing but his own reputation and believes that being the central base leader's son allows him to do whatever he wants. Will Jin be able to fix this terrible situation?

Anesan Countdown!

School girl Riko Umekita's life is thrown upside down by scariest boy in her class, Saruwada-kun. His family is from a long line of Yakuza and is known not to mess with them. She is dragged home with him only to find her parents there after some circumstances... Saruwada-kun then asks her to marry him. What is going on?

Velvet Going Underground

A collection of short stories: Le théâtre de A 1.Oeufs D'ange - Tenshi no Tamago A man is asked by a young painter to be her model. 2. Velvet Going Underground A doll becomes a super idol. Hijinks ensue. 3. Childhood's End Alastair runs away and meets the Rabbit. 4. Bite Me Something Allistaire followed Mr. Rabbit all the way to Wonderland. Will he be able to find him among the crowd? 5. Long Along Alonging A girl asks a vampire to be his apprentice. But what is her motive? 6. Till Dawn In a dark tower, a caged voice is singing until a hunted man enters the darkness. 7. Leçon un Sequel to Long Along Alonging. 8. My Skin on My Back 9. Highland Walker Sequel to Leçon un. 10. Perfect World The story of a young wife whose husband is infected with a fatal disease called Flower-Blossomitis. 11. Perfect Lady Sequel to Perfect World and drawn especially for this book. 12-13. Looks Like a Teaspoon A boy named Allistaire is often teased at his all-boys school. One night he dresses like a girl and stumbles upon the boy who often bullies him, Simon. Allistaire runs off into a tower and as Simon runs after him, we see the sign 'Welcome to Wonderland' hanging by the tower's door. 14. The Pearl Blue Story Do you believe in mermaids? Coggy, a young boy finds a mysterious lady laying down near the shore of the beach. He brings her home to help her. 15. I Am a Piano A piano tells the story of her life and the people she encounters. 16. Parade Le théâtre de B 1. Noël A short story about a holiday romance. 2. Teddy Bear Satsujin Jiken (The Teddy Bear Murder Case) Four murders have taken place at an all girl school. Lying beside each of the victim was a teddy bear with one missing limb. 3. Yonshimai Satsujin Jiken 4. A is for Alice Alastair, a grown man, is off to follow the Rabbit once again to return to Wonderland. 5. Nedai no Musume Atelier no Musume (The Bedroom Girl, The Sculpture Room Girl) A story about a girl in her death bed finding another chance in life in the body of a doll. 6. B&W (Black&White) A story about a boy waiting for his sister. 7. Le Jardin du thé (The Tea Garden) A mysterious story about a poor young man who orders a kind of tea called Huan Ying – “The Illusion”. 8-9. Free Fitting for Her A priest and his captured vampire must save a naive and selfish young girl from the murderous desires of a Lolicon. But perhaps this girl isn't all that she seems. 10. Rose Dusk, Pale Moon 11. Hello, My Sister 12. The Happy Prince 13. Welcome to Wonderland Simon, Alastair's old classmate, is now a grown man who bumps into his childhood Wonderland traveller.

The Dark Side of Red Lights

The Dark Side of Red Lights summary: The Dark Side of Red Lights summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Dark Side of Red Lights. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Century of Columbus

The Century of Columbus summary: The Century of Columbus summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Century of Columbus. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Devon, Its Moorlands, Streams and Coasts

Devon, Its Moorlands, Streams and Coasts summary: Devon, Its Moorlands, Streams and Coasts summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Devon, Its Moorlands, Streams and Coasts. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

This Side Of Desperate

This Side Of Desperate summary: This Side Of Desperate summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of This Side Of Desperate. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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