































内容简介:抢妾抢妾小说阅读其它类型小说抢妾由作家情系若痴创作v后6000或10000随机掉落,每晚十点准时更新!文案已微博截图,抄袭可耻,不接受任何质疑,谢谢!【ps:被锁章节内容在上一章,不影 响阅读!】温柔可人良家妾vs疯批渣渣二世祖【文案一】叶蓉家道败落,被卖给了顾家老爷为妾冲喜,顾家老爷年迈体弱多病,连接亲都是顾六郎骑马来迎。好不容易熬死了老爷子,阿蓉想着自己冲喜的任务也完成了,是时候该跑路了。得知此事的顾六郎翻窗入了她的屋,“乖蓉儿,你都是我顾家的人了还想去哪?”叶蓉耳根涨红,鼓起了平生最大的勇气,嗫嚅着道“你,你放肆,我可是你奶奶辈的!”顾华庭捏了捏她的脸蛋,在她耳边痞笑道“不,你是我祖宗辈的。”你是我的小祖宗顾华庭风流成性,替叔父接亲,清风吹过,露出了红盖头下一张娇媚的脸,本是一瞬而过,而他却念了一辈子。【文案二】顾老太爷身死后,顾太夫人不忍耽误了叶蓉,给她许了一门亲事。回门那天,叶蓉给太夫人奉茶,顾华庭冷眼旁观,看着她对身侧的男人笑语嫣然。等到了夜里,顾华庭轻佻地捏着她的下颌嗤笑,“为人妾室,就要学着怎么哄男人才对。不知那傻子,是不是被你哄得五迷三道。”叶蓉跪在他身前乖巧温顺,“奴婢不论嫁给谁都是六郎的人。”直到叶蓉出走那日,顾华庭寻遍整个徐州城都找不到她的踪影,彼时才知道,自己就是那个被她哄得五迷三道的傻子。【世人都知江南首富顾家六公子顾华庭为人风流浪荡,却不想在自己叔父妾室那栽了跟头,为之痴狂疯魔,最后还亲自给她献了自己一条命。】我沉沦于你,无法自拔排雷1男主前期实渣,有姬妾,后期火葬场2女主主动打掉自己的孩子3男非女c后女主嫁人,真嫁人!和洁党慎入4结局he5文章三观无关作者三观,不喜点叉预收《惑君》又名《和离后我嫁给了皇帝》【美人版】慕晚晚遇人不淑,痴恋裴侍郎多年,终于如愿以偿嫁给了他。哪知裴侍郎在她家落之后,接了他的外室进来,还领回来一个已满三岁的孩子。慕晚晚深觉自己人生就是一个笑话,为了报复渣男,她把目标放在了那个登基多年的男人身上。【皇帝版】李胤发现自己的那位臣妻好像对自己图谋不轨,在一次他微服私访之时,这女人竟当着她夫君的面在他的耳边吐气如兰,用尽妩媚。但李胤不得不承认“真香。”后来夜里美人在怀,却迟迟不愿随他入宫,李胤吻着那娇艳的唇,凶道“朕不许你日后再与他同房。”美人娇滴滴地嗔他一眼,李胤的心都化了。【小剧场】得知慕晚晚有孕那日,裴泫喜极而泣,痛定思痛,握着她的手“晚晚,日后我定好好待你。”哪知一道圣旨把慕晚晚接到了宫里,高位者居高临下睥睨着裴泫“让裴侍郎失望了,这孩子是朕的。”朕坐拥千万里河山,却甘愿为你一人俯首称臣。排 >>


内容简介:他本是一方战神,却因为伤病一傻三年,被人百般凌辱,唯有漂亮妻子与他不离不弃!情敌千方百计把他妻子骗到酒店,这时,他突然苏醒!战神归来,势不可挡!凡欺辱我者皆需付出代价!1w0-2916 0 >>




内容简介:一个在佛山寺庙长大的和尚,一个帅气凌然的少年,为了追寻自己的身世,而步入都市红尘,在一系列的生命碰撞中,众多不同领域的美人与他邂逅,红颜芬香,群芳争妍,这个充盈佛性的少年,在那飘香四溢 的情爱交缠中,能否找到自己人生的方向,完成上天付予他的责任。*******************华丽的分割线****************九月一群4077742九月二群6733313九月三群2152139九月四群60025460*******************华丽的分割线****************好吧我承认这是种马书一种到底不要浪费大家的时间与精力不喜欢就不要入了1w0-97869 >>


内容简介:战争,战争从未改变;天际线缓缓升起的蘑菇云,让一切旧日秩序崩塌在辐射尘埃之中;当人们从废墟中醒来,留给他们的是满目疮痍的新世界;新的秩序在私欲与贪婪的胚胎之中孕育,一出生便带着脓血和恶 臭;蠢蠢欲动的总督,满怀仇恨的异族,逐渐分崩离析的帝国,笼罩在世界之上的黑影;未来一片黑暗,1w0-99546 >>


内容简介:功夫究竟是什么?花架子还是杀人技?三千年冷兵器战争和无数民间私斗酝酿出来的把式,究竟是不是骗局?国术流开创者,功夫小说第一人梦入神机,在本书中为您揭秘。止戈为武,点到为止。&ldquo ;你若无敌,将会如何?”“得饶人处且饶人。”1w0-983 >>

Chou No Ito

A cute little butterfly romance.

Renai Catalog

Hanamoto Mika is a shy, self-conscious 17-year-old-girl who wants very much to love and be loved. Hopelessly superstitious and unhappy with her current self, Mika tries to find answers and guidance to her life through fortune-telling and romance magazines. She decides to go on a group date with her friends and meets Takada. It’s love at first sight; at least on her end. Soon after, she encounters Takada coincidentally on the subway, but Mika trips and falls at his feet, then runs away in mortification before he could say a word. They meet again on a second group date, but to Mika’s humiliation, he has no recollection of her from the first date! But he does remember her embarrassing moment on the train. He apologizes for not remembering her and then explains that he had lost his contacts and couldn’t see clearly on that first date. Emboldened by his confession, she shocks him and herself by asking him out on a date! This is the story of unlikely relationships, and the trials and tribulations that await Mika and Takada - and their friends- in their search for love.


Heisuke just came into town and the first thing on his to-do list is chasing pretty girls, which causes him to get punched in the process. After reaching the house he'll be staying at he sees a girl trying to sneak inside. Seeing this as a perfect opportunity to legitimately grope a girl, he attempts to stop this intruder only to find out that it's the same girl who punched him earlier; not only that, but her name is Umi and she just happens to be one of the three sisters who live in that house along with their mother. The next day Umi finds out that Heisuke is a boxer whose skill is only eclipsed by his lecherousness. Follow Heisuke as he tries to find out which desire is stronger, his desire for boxing or his desire for girls!

Travel To The Cats' Territory

From Cinderella Story: Yue Cheng is collecting cats for her homework report, and what she did is captured by the cats' 'watcher'. And after following a cat that she wants to catch, Yue Cheng and her friend found themselves in the cat spirit's territory. What will happen...?

Fancy Pants

Fancy Pants summary: Fancy Pants summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fancy Pants. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Determined Bride

The Determined Bride summary: The Determined Bride summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Determined Bride. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband summary: 'Lu Lijun! what're you doing?'
'Shhh! Let me see where that b.a.s.t.a.r.d touched you,' he tucked the loose hair strand behind her earlobe, 'n.o.body is allowed to touch my wife.'
'Dare to say it again and in no time you will see yourself on that bed under me...and I'll make sure, you won't be able to rest for even a single moment, till the morning.”
__ __
At the age of twenty, Jiang Yuyan married her love Lu Qiang, an heir to one of the most powerful business families in the capital. Tragically, a few months later, an unfortunate incident cost her husband's life.
A series of unfathomable incidents compelled Jiang Yuyan to marry her brother-in-law Lu Lijun, who's younger than her. Her new marriage meant nothing to her more than just an act to protect the people she cared about.
She planned to leave the Lu family after Lu Lijun became independent and spend the rest of her life with the memories of Lu Qiang which she treasured for all those years, but that turned out to be her wishful thinking.
Her brother-in-law, Lu Lijun, realizes that he is in love with her and wants her to be his wife.
What will unfold when he confessed his feelings to her, knowing that she will never accept him?
Will he be able to make her fall in love with him? Will her heart come alive again?

Maou no Ki

Maou no Ki summary: A world of magic and swords.
Born into an aristocratic family of a large country, a boy with insufficient magic power bade farewell to his unlucky daily life. Because of his encounter with a Demon, his fate began to change. This destined meeting changed the boy’s life, affected his surroundings, and soon after, shook the entire world.
This is his tale.

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