




















亚博浑浑噩噩的活在这个世界上,除了复仇他没有目标。在接到现任勇者同时也是王子的悬红时,他邂逅了一位心善的牧师... 但事情却不是那么的单纯,在两个神明的战争中夹杂的人类和怪物们有自己的思想和故事。 “我不想再去思考什么是正义的了,只要你跟我说那是敌人就好。”勇者这样效忠道。


类别恋爱 少女 社会










内容简介:解锁神级摆摊系统!开局摆摊卖空气!一瓶不要九十八,不要九九八,只要九十九万八!真神路过,当场惊呆!瓶子里竟然是我几千年都没见过的纯粹灵气!这地摊!连个指甲刀里蕴含的威能都比我本命法器还 要强!摊主前辈!我可以尝一块士力架吗?天啊!我卡在真神级别上千年,吃了它竟然突破了!【展开】【收起】1w37204-80458 >>


内容简介:周家村—祖国北方的一个平凡的小山村。村民春种秋收,日出而耕、日落而息,过着朴素自然的农耕生活。这里有绝色的自然美景、种类繁多的物种与资源,这里青山绿水百花娇、蓝天白云鸟儿俏……名字和老 祖宗谐音的周宇无意间得到一个败落的空间,以为得到了一个可以随意移动的仓库而暗喜不已,一度干起了二道贩子的买卖。可是后来他才发现,我嚓!感情是捡了芝麻丢了大西瓜啊!有了神奇空间的帮助,周宇发现自己在家乡如虎添翼。承包山林、开发稀有物种,带领乡亲们走上了致富路。随着空间神奇的变化,周宇不禁感叹:生活啊,你他娘的原来还可以这么逍遥!“管不着天管不着地,管着千八百亩地;天管不着地管不着,山村生活任逍遥。”这就是周宇内心最真实的写照!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《山村生活任逍遥》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-4972 >>


内容简介:关于强行染指:哥哥去世后,夏明月辗转被生父接回。可她万万没想到,那个多出来的兄长,居然会是数日前在男厕中逼迫她口ampampgt弹去指间的灰烬,顾城兴味的凝视着面前的女孩。他也没想到, 当日在是父亲口中的“亲戚”。“妹妹?每晚躺在我身下的妹妹吗?”【男主遇到女主后从一而终……此文过程1强男弱女(暗黑系虐身)】本文伪兄妹,戳我吧戳我吧,箭头往下看猫头★新坑★★完结★继往昔,此文依旧走【暗黑】强取豪夺风,男主是你想象不到的渣,女主是你想象不到的弱,如果是只看女强,或者对弱女主反感的姑娘,就不要进来找膈应了,(没办法,某商就好这口)另外此文是虐文,鉴于虐心太高级,不会写,所以此文:【虐身】。1w0-29065 >>


内容简介:陆怀雪是个反派。然后她被个野路子系统绑定了女配设定。系统语重心长:“要让男主爱上你,然后你想要什么都有了。”陆怀雪把踩在男主脸上的脚拿下来,卡擦点燃打火机,从口袋里摸烟:“你刚才说什么 ?”系统:“……”第一个世界:拜金女(已完结)第二个世界:佣兵(连载中)第三个世界:炮灰的天下第一美人第四个世界:真千金是警界大佬第五个世界:血族第六个世界:末世第七个世界:星际执法官待续……◎有男主,都是同一个人◎女主宠男主类型,不喜欢不要拍,直接退出好了◎这本写得比较随意,女主纯反派性格,不是坏人也不是好人。可喷角色,请勿人身攻击,一切辱骂皆反弹◎每个月会有两三天的断更(有存稿就不断),作者急性扁桃体炎患者,每月发炎发烧比大姨妈还准时,体谅下各位书友要是觉得《女配不好惹[快穿]》还不错的话请不要忘记向您微信群和微信里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-31026 >>




内容简介:简介:每个少年仙君,都有一只专属的仙鹤相伴。但萧恕不大满意他这只。太呆,太胖,吃得多,飞得慢,毫无仙风道骨,饱受同门嘲笑。萧恕无奈:“阿京你多少努力一点,至少不能让我天天迟到。”在雨中 呆立半个时辰的阿京终于回头:嘎?云京万万没想到,自己穿进书里做了一只鸟。鸟就鸟吧,歌喉清脆,羽翼绚烂,挺好。结果往水面一照,差点将嘴里的鱼吓掉:这大脑袋,这宽鸟喙,这沙雕的眼神,这蠢萌的气息……原来她是一只鲸头鹳?鸟头天下第一大的那种?仙气缥缈的修仙界,为什么要存在这样一个格格不入的天然呆啊!云京:谁让我穿的,过来让我用大嘴咬一口。每天光是吃东西和发呆,就已经很辛苦了,费力送仙君上学居然还要被他嫌弃!云京:告辞,不做鸟了!等她修炼有成,她也要狠狠嫌弃仙君一回!萧恕只能紧张地呵护左右,小心哄着:“我没有嫌弃你,我一直都喜欢你,第一眼就喜欢,什么样都喜欢。”——————————预收文《豪门圣母她不当了》姜妤穿成了书中那个人见人厌的圣母蠢女配。闺蜜故意掉包两人孩子,原主当无事发生继续一起开心玩耍;找回孩子后不尽心呵护,原主反倒偏爱养子,还自以为一碗水端平;日常扶妹成瘾,原主恨不得倾尽老公钱财,对妹妹进行爱的供养。最后终于落得个被闺蜜利用、被妹妹逼宫、被亲子记恨、被老公离婚的悲惨下场。姜妤:啧,手握人生赢家剧本都能输!我来就我来!撕走恶毒闺蜜,隔绝黑心妹妹,积极对冷淡儿子弥补母爱,努力刷回愤怒老公的好感。更四处投资,从豪门菟丝花变成娱乐圈的投资圣手。姜妤:呵呵,轻松。1w0-115879 >>

Sei Dragon Girl Miracle

From StarryHeaven: Anjuu Sendou is a nice girl who just started her first year in the Seiryuu Academy Middle School. She is currently living away from home as a boarding student with her pet named Lime. Her father is a sorcerer and her mother is an expert in chinese kenpo. They are both famous, especially her mother who is called Dragon Momoka. Because of her mother’s fame the executive committee wants Anjuu to join the student council. But the council’s president thinks that she is a weak girl, so to prove him wrong she decides to catch the school thief. But when things get harder, she wishes to become stronger. So her pet suddenly transforms into a small child with wings (it can’t transform into a dragon yet, because it’s only a child) and tells her about her power. During a second assault from the thief, Anjuu, with the help of Lime, transforms into a new Saint Dragon Girl, defeating the enemies and becoming the school’s protector. Will the student council’s members find out the true identity of the “warrior” girl? Will Anjuu be able to keep her secret?

Shutter Chance

This is a Thai comic.

Kakumeiki Valvrave

True Calendar (T.C.) 71 - A new age where 70% of the human population lives in space thanks to the development of 'Dyson Sphere', a city in space.The world is divided into two main powers: The Dorssia Military Pact Federation, a power which grew out of a military alliance, and the Atlantic Rim United States (ARUS), which grew in power as it expanded its trade agreements. The minor nation of JIOR has declared neutrality between these two forces and maintains its peace through economic prosperity.Within the JIOR's Sphere, Haruto Tokishima lived an ordinary life as a high school student in the division known as 'Module 77'—until the Dorssian military begins their sudden invasion!But the whole world will be shaken when Haruto meets the mysterious humanoid weapon, Valvrave!Spin-offs:> Kakumeiki Valvrave - Ryuusei no Valkyrie ( http://mangapark.com/search?q=kakumeiki-valvrave-ryuusei-no-valkyrie )> Kakumeiki Valvrave Anthology Comic( http://mangapark.com/search?q=kakumeiki-valvrave-anthology-comic )> Kakumei Club Valvra-Bu ( http://mangapark.com/search?q=kakumei-club-valvra-bu )

Oujisama Game

A series of interconnected romantic comedy one-shots involving a Royal Family with 7+ sons in line for the throne and the men they fall in love with. The series also occasionally chronicles the romances of other palace employees and secondary characters. 1) Prince vs Slave - The youngest (7th) prince Shuki, gets hugged by new slave, Fuanron, that seems to know young prince. Shuki starts to bully the slave till their roles get reversed and he even takes place of the prince's teacher, Riiren. Who is Fuanron in reality? 2) Prince vs Assassin - 1st prince, Ryuuen, gets attacked by Seiran, but he defeats him and makes a deal: the assassin can try to kill him all the time, but if he fails, then he must spend the night in the prince's embrace; and so starts Seiran's life as an official consort. 3) Right-handed Priest vs Left-handed Priest - Rei has been in love with Ryuuen (the 1st prince) for years and now he has finally become the minister of the right. He thinks he can get closer to the 1st prince, but there is an obstacle, the minster of the left, Rai, that says that he is in love with Ryuuen too. 4) Mercenary vs Prince (vs The 4th Gun-Warrior?!) - 6th prince, Kagetsu, fell in love in Jin, who helped him with his wounded feet. Now he escapes from the castle everyday to tell Jin that he loves him, but the mercenary doesn't believe him. Suzaku always comes to drag Kagetsu back to the castle, but what are his real motives? 5) Scramble Showdown (?) - Short comics (one page for each) with pairing: Jin x Ryuuen x Seiran, Rai x Seiran, Kagetsu x Fuanron x Shuki, Rei x Shuki (x Rai x Fuanron), Suzaku x Riiren x Tailor. This story of 2nd prince is also featured in the manga, Ousama Game. 王子様★ゲーム

Measuring The World

Measuring The World summary: Measuring The World summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Measuring The World. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Frederic Lord Leighton

Frederic Lord Leighton summary: Frederic Lord Leighton summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Frederic Lord Leighton. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Conversion of a High Priest into a Christian Worker

Conversion of a High Priest into a Christian Worker summary: Conversion of a High Priest into a Christian Worker summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Conversion of a High Priest into a Christian Worker. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Bothersome Life

My Bothersome Life summary: This world was split into six different districts, where each one would represent a different era in time. The first district was the futuristic era where people had hover cars and robots to do most of their work for them with their huge mana. The second district was the science era where people were just starting to develop a new world where they would discover the existence of magic from science...

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