














茶龙社漫画 ,公主公主直到永远的作者作品 因为各种原因后续还会继续弧 总之还是可爱的小故事 可爱的女孩子们之间的那种






简介【每周二、六更新】谁说厨师没前途?酱油一瓶开后宫,菜刀一把平天下! 天才少年厨师穿越异界,纳尼?!这鬼地方不打怪就没肉吃,吃货如我怎能忍,抄家伙上呗! 看我左手拥美女右手持大刀,绝世神功屠遍天下魔兽,烧出好菜包你吃过忘不了 少年意气,成王称霸。风流人物,还看今朝!






类别都市 恋爱 生活






内容简介:八十年代初期,特区的建设如火如荼。 但没人能想到就在几十公里外沙口区内一个叫红星村的小村庄里,村民们居然还在为分救济粮而打破头…… 刚刚重生就被开了瓢的杨明捂着脑袋,看着那群为了几十斤 救济粮拼命的村民,再想想要不了几年,特区发展就会辐射到这边…… “都别打了,选我当村长,我带你们发家致富奔小康!” 随着杨明扯开嗓子大吼,一个传奇的村子诞生了! 在杨明的带领下,红星村成就了无数个第一——人均万元户全国第一,人均GDP全球第一,人均豪车数宇宙第一…… “经济制裁?” “你们还是先问问咱们的红星村答不答应再说吧!” 面对叫嚣,无数键盘侠们微微一笑表示毫无压力。 杨明抹着额头上的冷汗,表示自己这个村长,压力有点大…… 1w0-3280 >>


内容简介:  选秀那年,她才十三岁,出身寒微,瘦瘦弱弱,跪在一群秀女中毫不起眼,所有人都嘲笑她穷酸鬼,不自量力,可谁能想到,她居然稀里糊涂入被太后选进来凑数。入宫之后,她成了最末流的九品采女,吃 最差的饭菜,穿最简单的衣裳,住最偏远的宫殿。所有人都说她一辈子都见不到皇上,可偏偏,她头一天就被翻了牌。第一回侍寝,她紧张又害怕,把嬷嬷教的全都忘完了,还因为偷吃点心被皇上抓了个正着。这次连她自己都觉得死定了,可偏偏皇上没生气,还让人给她做了许多好吃的送回去。后宫众人:“……”自此,叶思娴过上了谨小慎微、战战兢兢的深宫奋斗生活。明枪也得躲,暗箭也得防,君宠也得争,娃儿也得生……有时候叶思娴也会想,作为一个七品芝麻官的女儿,又这么笨,进宫给皇上当妃子,究竟是幸运,还是不幸?1w0-3443 >>


内容简介:一名美丽的十七岁高中女生的脑部被植入晶片,使得她知识大增,但必须有人不断的开ahreftargetblank启a她的智慧,这人是六十七岁的博学大师,他们之间发展出了最奇情的忘年之爱,有 了最奇特的结局…李敖强调:「这是一本玄之又玄的奇书,十八岁以下不能看,八十岁以上也不能看(看了都要偷买威而钢)」。几年前,八卦媒体封面了李敖和高中女生的故事。高中女生十七岁,是李敖的模特儿,在她肉身上,李敖灵修出「虚拟的十七岁」。李敖鼎力大作,必看都市小说。1w0-79863 >>


内容简介:【这是真正的狼人杀小说】【逻辑和推理的挑战,谎言和伪装的盛宴】【高质量对局,教科书式的发言】一觉醒来,顾风穿越到了一个只属于狼人杀的世界。在这里,唯有逻辑大神才能生存。光明和黑暗的较量 ,正义与邪恶的对决。人狼之战,一触即发。错综复杂的局势,千奇百怪的套路,五花八门的板子。冲锋、倒钩、垫飞……狼人无所不用其极。抽丝剥茧,好人是否能拨开迷雾,堪破一切。天黑请闭眼!天亮了。接下来,请开始你的表演。【非狼人杀玩家慎入,已完本数本狼人杀小说,质量有保证】作者:辣椒炒果米所写的《狼人杀:请开始你的表演》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-96448 >>


内容简介:无意间触电后的张易,发现自已竟然可以隐去身体,变成一个透明人,意外的惊喜让他开启了新的人生。一个会隐身而行走在都市中的奇人。你看不见我,你看不见我,你看不见我……保镖新群:241737 961w4889-98354 >>


内容简介:赵念舟把文件递过来让李晋成签字,他紧紧盯着她,沉默几秒说“你……”“这是下午要讨论的方案,汪经理还等着。”他眉头皱了皱,从西装口袋里掏出一支外形简单的黑色钢笔,文件签完字却不给她。赵念 舟面无表情地问“李总还有什么吩咐?”李晋成掀眼皮子瞧她,低声道“今早怎么不声不响走了,你……”“哦,对了,孙经理说德国那边数据出了些问题,等不及您回去,他带着吴秘书先过去了。”她再次打断他的话。李晋成脸1w0-96215 >>


A mysterious planet appears over Earth, bringing with it unparalleled bliss. If you can afford the space trip, that is.

Bitter - Nakechau Koi Monogatari

Story 1: N Island is a small island where all the kids know each other, and they're excited to meet the new transfer student from Tokyo. Fifth grader Kanta doesn't want it to be a girl, because his classmate Kyo is the only icky girl the island needs. In a way that makes Kyo happy -- because she's always known she wants to live out her life on the island as Kanta's wife someday. But the transfer student, Ritsuka, is a girl, and a shy one with a mother who's shunned by the island. So Kyo makes it her mission of good faith to assimilate Ritsuka, but then Kanta starts acting more interested in Ritsuka than in Kyo... When the main cloud splits into a butterfly cloud, which girl will be the one to separate from the rest...? Story 2: Racing Queen, by IZUMI Kaneyoshi When it comes to being a racing queen (it's like being a cheerleader for Nascar), you're either a bitch or a lost puppy. Ei learns this lesson the hard way from Akane, the reigning racing queen of the famous Meitoh Team, when Ei joins the team to put herself through college. It's only by doing harm to others that you succeed, and once you've succeeded, everyone wants to do harm to you. Ei's dream was to be the top racing queen, but once she gets there, it turns into her worst nightmare... Story 3: English Garden, by SAKURAKOUJI Kanoko Hayato is moving to England in one month, so he approaches Fumio and tells her to date him -- almost like a command. He's dominating, stubborn, and selfish, and Fumio really can't say no. But Hayato isn't without his charm; he has a talent for making things grow, and he designed a gorgeous English garden. Now he wants to spend his last month in Japan building a garden with Fumio. As the garden grows and changes, so do its gardeners... and as time becomes strained, so do their emotions... Story 4: Pure White Anniversary, by AYASE Riu: Just by selecting her, and saying her name, she became the class´ representative, and after time, trusted by teachers and students. That always maked her excited about working hard and being better. But, not all is white, not all is pure, when she was in trouble, A guy suddenly appears to help! Who is this guy? Why is he helping her? And, why does Sakura feels scared whenever she is with him? Well... we sure want to know. Story 5: The Coffee Shop that Ends Unrequited Love, by ADACHI Keiko This story is about a gilr called Rui. She's always too late on dates. But when she met Shiyouta she fell in love with him an want to be not late anymore... Story 6: Great Waiters?, by WASHIO Mie At 175 cm, Eisei (real name Haruyo) never thought she would ever find a boyfriend because of her height and her rather tomboyish looks and demeanour. Under her friends' recommendation, however, a visit to the renowned 'Hot Cafe' caused her to fall for a charming waiter named Kono... who promptly dragged her to fill the vacancy -- as a male waiter?! Having a chance to get closer to him is one thing, but has Kono also accidentally mistaken her for a boy?! How is Eisei supposed to express her feeling for him now? With a cafe filled with handsome waiters and the pretty girls who swoon over them, this 'pretty boy' has work cut out for her!

Midsummer Lovers

Oneshot from Sayuri Hime 2 A short but sweet story about a girl visiting her first love.

Nakanai Hotaru

Ayase has come back to his hometown and runs into childhood friend Taishi. As Ayase struggles to move past his recent troubles, Taishi is shocked to find his feelings of friendship changing into something more.

Boy Scouts in Southern Waters

Boy Scouts in Southern Waters summary: Boy Scouts in Southern Waters summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Boy Scouts in Southern Waters. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Because I’m a Weapon Shop Uncle

Because I’m a Weapon Shop Uncle summary: In an alternate world, he constantly ponders about what kind of role is he actually designated as. Today, the weapon shop uncle and the ghost loli are working hard as well.


Blood+ summary: Suffering from extreme amnesia, high school student Saya Otonoshi can’t remember anything from her life beyond the last year. Living with a foster family outside a military base in Okinawa, j.a.pan, Saya’s attempts to live a normal life are shattered when a Chiropteran, a horrific vampire-like monster, attacks her. Saved at the last minute by a mysterious man named Hagi, Saya is presented with a sword that awakens in her a warrior’s skills and bloodl.u.s.t, and sets her on a course that will lead her to the answers of her missing memories, and into battle against a race of creatures intent on destroying the world.
The epic adventure that began in the groundbreaking film Blood: the Last Vampire and has continued through the worldwide phenomenon TV series Blood+ is brought to life in this all-new series of novels adapting the hit show. Saya’s journey of horror, magic, romance and mystery will stretch across time and around the world, expanding on the television series with new characters, new adventures and breathtaking action.


Underwoods summary: Underwoods summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Underwoods. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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