
























简介【《宇久纷华》每周一更新,官方微博:黄俊维_宇久纷华;官方群号 :292618047;微信:yingqidm】为防止门人脱离学派宗旨,墨家设有不为人知的组织“本墨”,以秘术监视、协助墨者开展兼爱天下的理念。战国末期,墨家三分,遥远、云飞、司空曼作为秦、楚、齐三国的本墨,为了彼此共同的理想,展开了波澜澜壮阔的战国旅程










内容简介:  黎家团宠的小千金黎俏,被退婚了。黎家人揭竿而起,全城讨伐,誓要对方好看。*后来,黎俏偶遇退婚男的大哥。有人说:他是南洋最神秘的男人,姓商,名郁,字少衍;也有人说:他傲睨万物,且偏执 成性,是南洋地下霸主,不可招惹。绵绵细雨中,黎俏望着杀伐野性的男人,浅浅一笑:“你好,我是黎俏。”做不成夫妻,那就做你长嫂。*几个月后,街头相遇,退婚男对黎俏冷嘲热讽:“你跟踪我?对我还没死心?”身后一道凌厉的口吻夹着冽风传来,“对你大嫂客气点!”自此,南洋这座城,风风雨雨中只剩最后一则传言——偏执成性的南洋霸主,有一个心尖小祖宗,她姓黎,名俏,字祖宗!1w0-1884 >>


内容简介:新文《穿进死对头的天猫精灵后》正在连载,点进作者专栏,即可收获快乐ω\季轻舟穿越了,穿成了一本狗血渣贱虐文的贱受,摆在他前面的有两个选择,A选择原书中正牌渣攻,从此开启一场死妈家暴退圈 艳照满天飞的虐身虐心之恋。B选择面前的炮灰反派楚诚,从此摆脱渣攻。季轻舟二话没说选择了B。豪门少爷楚诚出身显赫,年纪轻轻就是上市公司老总,遍看娱乐圈美人,偏偏看上了季轻舟。友人问他,“喜欢这个小明星?”楚诚摇头,“不,只是和他玩玩。”门外的季轻舟点头,对,书里就是这样写的。几个月后季轻舟接完电话往回走,无意间听到有人说“季轻舟?呵,楚诚不过是和他玩玩,玩够了就该分了。”季轻舟正准备点头,却听到楚诚勃然大怒道“胡说八道!哪个王八蛋给你说的!扰人姻缘是会被马踢的他不知道吗!”季轻舟:???不对啊!书里不是这么写的啊!新文《穿进死对头的天猫精灵后》正在连载,点进作者专栏,即可收获快乐ω\如果把人生比作上帝掷骰子,那陆云飞觉得自己好歹是个6,长得帅学习好,只有英语严重偏科。直到他知道了边晋源——边晋源身高腿长面冷,次次考试都是年级第一,英语成绩更是倍杀陆云飞,自己是6的话,那这家伙简直是666啊!既生飞何生源,一山难容二虎,除非一公一母,陆云飞看了看对方的性别,默默打了个叉。然而他刚把边晋源当对头没多久,就惊奇的发现,晚上9点过后,他会莫名其妙穿进边晋源的天猫精灵里。穿进天猫精灵后,陆云飞才发现,自己的死对头,竟然是个贫穷贵公子。高富帅陆云飞看了看自己卡里快溢出来的钱,决定发挥自己的同学爱。于是,边晋源缺钱,陆云飞请他给自己当英语家教。边晋源买了蛋糕舍不得吃留给自己的家人,陆云飞第二天就给他了一块大蛋糕。日行一善,陆云飞觉得自己胸前隐形的红领巾都更加鲜艳了。直到学校论坛出了一则热帖:《点艹陆云飞,让年级第一给你当牛做马,真觉得自己有两个臭钱就了不起了是吧!》主楼罗列了各种事迹:提包、接水、剥栗子,一代学霸被陆云飞使唤的宛如佣人。众人吃瓜正酣,就见从来不在论坛发言的边晋源第一次实名发言。边晋源:不需要钱,我愿意,管得着吗?众人吓得瓜都掉了。陆云飞则琢磨着自己应该少麻烦边晋源一点。“不需要,我喜欢被你麻烦。”“还是算了。”陆云飞拒绝。边晋源想了想:“那我换个说法——不需要,我喜欢你。”陆云飞:???!!!陆云飞怎么也没想到,山头大了,什么虎都有,两只公老虎在一起,不仅能跑得快,还能谈恋爱!其他预收:《重生后,我成了我哥的猫和狗娱乐圈》:轻松欢乐娱乐圈甜爽文《我和影帝的不开灯关系》:训妻一时爽,追妻火葬场《穿成校草死对头》:轻松沙雕欢乐小甜饼,穿书三部曲最后一部已完结:《穿成影帝 >>






内容简介:她是前朝的遗腹公主。她的父皇昏庸无道,强抢已为人妇的生母入宫。不想前朝覆灭,皇族男性全部处死。生母趁乱逃出皇宫后,发现身怀有孕,产下稚子,抛弃深山。本该命绝深山,不想偶遇生产母狼,母狼 母性大发,带回洞中。朝摇仙山,远近闻名,朝摇大师兄清尘途径此地,听闻传闻,心下好奇,自身闯入深山寻找‘怪物’,不想传闻中的怪物是个弃婴,清尘心生怜悯,带回怪物回到朝摇悉心教养。天意弄人,朝夕相处,暗生情愫。岂料仙1w0-45743 >>

Othello (Tsukamoto Youichi)

There are dangerous monsters called D's, lurking in the shadows of the world. A D mimics its victim's form exactly, allowing it to kill its victim and take its place. Kei, a normal high school kid, learns of these creatures when one of them targets his childhood friend Hinata. In his effort to protect Hinata, Kei finds himself being dragged into the affairs of Othello, an organization formed to bring about the extinction of these creatures. (from mangahelpers)

Maid Wo Nerae!

This one is a spinoff from Kore ga Watashi no Goshujin sama. The story is about a school, Shiritsu Yurihime Gakuen, an all girl school specialized in preparing maid for the otaku moe industry. Of course, the leader is no less, a Nakabayashi, a heavy-class otaku with unlimited asset to burn for while seven generations. Our main heroine this time is Mochida Natsumi, a girl with hentai mind as worse as Yoshitaka and luck as bad as Izumi. She came with the ambition of building harem of imouto. But life is not as beautiful as in those harem love comedy genre anime/manga, because in this school, all the girls are well educated in otaku business. Her couple is Kitamura Kiriko, a.k.a Mitsuki 2. Cute, innocent (looks) and demonic personality to the bone and teeth. She's also Natsumi's roommate, imouto, as well as goshujin sama. Kore de anata wa imouto no dorei to iu nasakenai jyougou wo te ni ireta no yo ♥ (with this, you've got yourself the miserable title as 'sister's slave' isn't it ? ♥)

Animal Sense

Hoshino Fuzuki, a high school student, once experienced a weird accident when she was in the 3rd grade. Now, the weird accident is coming again. She cant get in to an animal, then can see from the eyes of that animal. Not only sight, but she can also feel other senses that belong to the animal. What is that power?

Doctor Resignation

When the duke, who was in poor condition, suddenly died, the land fell into the hands of the rebels. In a short time, the rebellion was suppressed by the royal family, but… The point is that I, Lise Estelle, will be hanged for treason. “It’s not fair!” I’m simply the best doctor in the area. If that’s the case, I’ll become the duke’s doctor so there’s no rebellion, and I’ll make the duke’s heir healthy! “No one cares about you as much as I do. Therefore, you must definitely listen to me.” “Run! You need to strengthen your immunity!” “Eat this grass. Don’t say anything more and just eat.” Um…But why is he so tall? Did he have a good physique in the first place? Well, anyway, I’m glad he was raised well, so I can resign now… “Resignation?” His eyes narrowed and the surroundings began to give off a cold air. “Lise, you said you were the only one who cared about me.” Before I knew it, he walked over and sat in front of me. Whispering in my ear as if deliberately seducing me. “Let me go? I’m not stupid, Lise.” Unlike my previous life, he is now healthy and even his personality has changed.

Handsome CEO'S Bewitching Wife

Handsome CEO'S Bewitching Wife summary: Handsome CEO'S Bewitching Wife summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Handsome CEO'S Bewitching Wife. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Roy Blakeley's Camp on Wheels

Roy Blakeley's Camp on Wheels summary: Roy Blakeley's Camp on Wheels summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Roy Blakeley's Camp on Wheels. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Secretary is a Little Sweet

My Secretary is a Little Sweet summary: Although born in a wealthy, powerful family, Shangguan Ning is motherless and loveless. Throughout her growing years, people use her for their own interests.
Surrounded by people who are a part of her world—her indifferent, ambitious father who uses her in a way no different from a bargaining chip; her vicious stepmother and self-centered stepsister who hate her, bully her, hurt her, not once but all the time; her fiancé, whom she pulls back from the jaws of death, dumps her the minute he recovers.
Is she destined to stay unhappy always?
Enter Jing Yichen, the heir of the most powerful and influential family in the entire city. Blessed with mesmerizing, charming looks, he is as cold and lethal as an iceberg.
Love doesn’t feature anywhere in his dictionary until he meets Shangguan Ning. There are no sparks or love at first sight, but a slow hot flame starts burning, eventually turning into a roaring fire. Before they know it, they get married. This is a tale of heartbreaks, deception, revenge, and finally finding the one true love!!!

The Perjur'd Husband

The Perjur'd Husband summary: The Perjur'd Husband summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Perjur'd Husband. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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